Gifts to medical staff from pharmaceutical companies
N Vaughan made this Official Information request to Waitemata District Health Board
The request was successful.
From: N Vaughan
Dear Waitematā District Health Board,
I am a law student and am writing a research paper on gifts given by pharmaceutical companies to medical staff.
I am therefore requesting the following information under the Official Information Act (OIA):
1. Do you keep a central gift register, which records details about what gifts medical staff receive, who they are from, and the gift's value? If not, why not?
2. How many staff in your DHB have accepted gifts (of any form) from pharmaceutical companies? Information from the past 2-year period is preferred, including what these gifts were, and their monetary value.
3. Is there any policy in place that prevents medical staff from accepting some gifts from pharmaceutical companies? If so, please send a copy of this policy.
In relation to disclosure of these gifts (from pharmaceutical companies):
4. When must medical staff disclose these gifts to the hospital or DHB? If there is a related policy, please send a copy.
5. Are medical staff required to disclose these gifts to their patients? If there is a related policy, please send a copy.
If you need any more information from me please let me know as soon as possible.
I understand that a decision on a request for information under the OIA should be made within 20 working days of receiving that request.
Ngā mihi nui
N Vaughan
From: Anna Monastra (WDHB)
Waitemata District Health Board
Dear N Vaughan
Thank you for your Official Information Act request, received today.
We will provide a formal response to your request within the 20 working
days allowed under the Act.
If for any reason we are unable to meet this deadline and need to extend
the timeframe for your response, we will be in touch to advise why this
has been necessary and to indicate when your response will be ready.
Please note that Waitematā DHB supports the open disclosure of information
to assist community understanding of how we are delivering publicly-funded
healthcare. This includes the proactive publication of anonymised Official
Information Act responses on our website from 10 working days after they
have been released.
If you feel that there are good reasons why your response should not be
made publicly available, we will be happy to consider this.
Kind regards
Anna Monastra I Senior Administration Assistant
Communications I Waitematā DHB
Level 2, 15 Shea Terrace, Private Bag 93-503, North Shore 0740
show quoted sections
From: Anna Monastra (WDHB)
Waitemata District Health Board
Dear N Vaughan,
Please see the attached Waitematā DHB response to your recent Official
Information Act request regarding gifts to medical staff from
pharmaceutical companies.
Anna Monastra I Senior Administration Assistant
Communications I Waitematā DHB
Level 2, 15 Shea Terrace, Private Bag 93-503, North Shore 0740
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