Number plate format

Mike Hunua made this Official Information request to New Zealand Transport Agency

The request was successful.

From: Mike Hunua

Dear New Zealand Transport Agency,

What does NZTA intend to do when new vehicle registration plates hit ZZZ999 will the plates move to 7 characters or will the numbers be recycled.

Yours faithfully,

Mike Hunua

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From: Official Correspondence
New Zealand Transport Agency

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Kia ora Mike,


Thank you for your email.


Prior to the changes to our governing legislation in 2011 the plate series
was detailed in the old [1]95 notice (it detailed the allowable character
series) now there’s no such restrictions. The only ‘restrictions’ are
under [2](2)(a)(b) and 33(1) in the Land Transport (Motor Vehicle
Registration and Licensing) Regulations 2011.   


A move to a 7 alpha/numerical plate would require changes to the Land
Transport (motor vehicle registration and licensing) Regulations 2011 see
– [3]r33 and [4]r34 where it’s currently limited to 6 & 5.


As there is currently still an extensive amount of plate combinations
available, a review has not yet started to determine our next registration
plate format/series. Closer to the time of the current series concluding
the requirements will be reviewed further.


Ngā mihi


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