Selection of New Zealand Chinese participants for the "Rising to the challenge of creating better media content for Asian New Zealanders" study
C D Sang made this Official Information request to NZ On Air
The request was successful.
From: C D Sang
Dear NZ On Air,
I am requesting information regarding the selection of New Zealand Chinese participants for the "Rising to the challenge of creating better media content for Asian New Zealanders" study.
In particular, I am interested in information regarding:
1) Any decisions made to only interview the specific demographic of members of relatively new, mainly non-New Zealand born, New Zealand Chinese communities,
2) If there was any specific decisions made to exclude more established New Zealand Chinese communities, and if there weren't any specific decisions made to this effect, how was this particular demographic selected,
3) Whether any consideration was given to the diversity of the New Zealand Chinese communities,
4) If there was any considerations given the presentation of the findings of this research as being representative of all "New Zealand Chinese",
5) How the findings of this research will inform NZ On Air's decisions on funding of programmes by, for, or about New Zealand Chinese not represented by the participants of this research.
Yours faithfully,
Cameron Sang
From: Hilaire Carmody
NZ On Air
Tēnā koe Cameron
I am acknowledging receipt of your OIA request below.
NZ On Air will respond to you within the statutory timeframe.
I note that you have sent this OIA twice, through the FYI website.
I will be responding to this specific request/ auto generated email, to keep our correspondence streamlined.
Nāku, nā
Hilaire Carmody
Kaiāwhina ki te Tumu Whakarae |Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive
Irirangi Te Motu | NZ On Air
Pronouns: She/Her
DDI: 04 802 8301 [mobile number] Follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram
PO Box 9744 | Wellington | New Zealand 6141
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From: Hilaire Carmody
NZ On Air
Tēnā koe Cameron
Please see attached for correspondence relating to your OIA request below.
Nāku noa, nā
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