Information about experts advising government on single-use cups
uyo nz ltd made this Official Information request to Ministry for the Environment
The request was successful.
From: uyo nz ltd
Dear Ministry for the Environment,
This is a request for information under the OIA.
On this web page about ‘Phasing out hard-to-recycle and single-use plastics’ ( the Ministry states that it is "working with sector experts to develop a plan for expanded polystyrene, single-use cups (including coffee cups) and wet wipes, with next steps for these to be agreed in 2022.”
Please provide the following information:
(a) the Terms of Reference for any committee or group these ’sector experts’ are members of or observers on
(b) the names of the ‘sector experts’ and the organisations or companies they work for and/or represent
(c) the selection criteria for recruitment of the ’sector experts’
(d) details of how the ’sector experts’ were identified or recruited (including public/trade advertising, word of mouth, self-nomination, etc)
(e) dates of meetings of the ’sector experts’ attended by one or more Ministry official
(f) dates of any meetings Ministry officials have had with any of the ’sector experts’ outside of any committee or group the experts are members of
(g) the agenda for each meeting of the ’sector experts’
(h) a list of all the papers provided by the Ministry to the ’sector experts’, either at meetings, or outside of them
(i) the minutes of each meeting of the ’sector experts’.
Section 4 of the OIA makes clear that one of the purposes of the law is to enable public participation in the making and administration of laws and policies. Please can you ensure sufficient attention is paid to this purpose when considering the public interest in disclosure of the information requested.
Under section 16 of the OIA I would prefer to receive the information as attachments to your reply, in Word files, or the other native file format the documents were created in, not as an image-only PDF, and without any added watermarks such as ‘Disclosed under the OIA’.
Under section 19(a)(ii) of the OIA, if the Ministry decides to withhold any information, I further request that the Ministry provides me with the grounds in support of the cited reasons for withholding, in particular what public interest factors favouring release that it considered.
If any part of this request is unclear, or you need further information, please contact me via the email address from which the Ministry received this request.
Ngā mihi,
Laura, on behalf of UYO NZ Ltd
From: OIA
Ministry for the Environment
Kia ora Laura,
Thank you for your Official Information Act request received on
We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in
any event no later than 20 working days after the day your request was
received. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will
notify you of an extension to that timeframe.
Please note the Ministry for the Environment will release responses to
selected OIA requests on our [1]OIA responses page shortly after the
response has been sent.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at
[2][MFE request email].
Ngā mihi nui
Ministerial Services Team
Ministry for the Environment – Manatū Mō Te Taiao
Email: [3][MFE request email] Website: [4]
23 Kate Sheppard Place, Thorndon, Wellington 6143
Visible links
2. mailto:[MFE request email]
3. mailto:[MFE request email]
From: OIA
Ministry for the Environment
Ref: OIAD-214
Tēnā koe
Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) request regarding experts advising
government on single-use cups
The Ministry wishes to confirm its interpretation of your request dated 8
February 2022 (wording below). It is our view that your request only
relates to work undertaken regarding single use cups.
Please respond to this email to either confirm whether our interpretation
is accurate or that you wish to clarify and provide more details about the
information you are seeking.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could provide us with your response
by no later than Wednesday, 23 February 2022. Note that if we do not hear
from you by this date, we may assume our interpretation is correct, and
proceed to make our final decision on your request based on the
information before us.
Ngā mihi nui
Adam McFerran [1](he/him)
Senior Advisor | Kaitohutohu Matua
Ministerial Services | Ngā Pūnaha Minita
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From: uyo nz ltd
Dear OIA,
I confirm that our request relates to work undertaken (and as yet to be undertaken) regarding single use cups, including and especially single use coffee cups, and the identities of those engaged as sector experts, as per our original correspondence.
Yours sincerely, and with many thanks,
uyo nz ltd
From: uyo nz ltd
Dear OIA,
I have a received notification that you are awaiting clarification of your request dated 16 Feb 2022. I responded same day. Please see reiteration of that response below.
I confirm that our request relates to work undertaken (and as yet to be undertaken) regarding single use cups, including and especially single use coffee cups, and the identities of those engaged as sector experts, as per our original correspondence.
Yours sincerely, and with many thanks,
uyo nz ltd
From: OIA
Ministry for the Environment
Ref: OIAD-214
Tēnā koe Laura
Official information request for information about experts advising
government on single-use cups
I refer to your official information request dated 8 February 2022
(wording below).
The OIA requires that we advise you of our decision on your request no
later than 20 working days after the day we received your request.
Unfortunately, it will not be possible to meet that time limit. We are
therefore writing to notify you of an extension of the time to make our
decision, to 22 March 2022.
This extension is necessary because consultations necessary to make a
decision on your request are such that a proper response cannot reasonably
be made within the original time limit.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[1] or freephone 0800 802 602.
If you wish to discuss any aspect of your request with us, including this
decision, please feel free to contact [2][MFE request email].
Ngā mihi
Ministerial Services | Ngā Pūnaha Minita
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From: uyo nz ltd
Dear OIA,
Many thanks for the update. I look forward to receiving further information once the consultations necessary to make a decision on your request have been undertaken.
Yours sincerely,
uyo nz ltd
From: OIA
Ministry for the Environment
Ref: OIAD-214
Tçnâ koe Laura
Please find attached the Ministry for the Environment’s response to your
request for official information dated 8 February 2022.
Ngâ mihi nui
Adam McFerran [1](he/him)
Senior Advisor | Kaitohutohu Matua
Ministerial Services | Ngâ Pûnaha Minita
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From: OIA
Ministry for the Environment
Ref: OIAD-214
Kia ora Laura
Apologies, some information provided to you moments ago had been removed
as out of scope as an error. Please find attached the amended relevant
page of the response.
Best regards
Adam McFerran [1](he/him)
Senior Advisor | Kaitohutohu Matua
Ministerial Services | Ngā Pūnaha Minita
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From: OIA
Sent: Thursday, 17 March 2022 1:51 pm
To: [FYI request #18488 email]
Subject: Response to your OIA request
Ref: OIAD-214
Tēnā koe Laura
Please find attached the Ministry for the Environment’s response to your
request for official information dated 8 February 2022.
Ngā mihi nui
Adam McFerran [8](he/him)
Senior Advisor | Kaitohutohu Matua
Ministerial Services | Ngā Pūnaha Minita
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence