Craig Innes
Joined FYI in 2021
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This person's 113 Official Information requests
Workplace bullying and sexual harassment
Response by Ministry of Justice to Craig Innes on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Craig,
Thank you for emailing the Ministry of Justice (the Ministry).
We acknowledge receipt of your request under the Official In...
Workplace bullying and sexual harassment
Response by Ministry of Justice to Craig Innes on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Craig,
Thank you for emailing the Ministry of Justice (the Ministry).
We acknowledge receipt of your request under the Official In...
Proposed District Plan GIS Data
Response by Hutt City Council to Craig Innes on .
Awaiting classification.
Tçnâ koe Craig
I am writing to ac...
Workplace bullying and sexual harassment
Response by Public Service Commission to Craig Innes on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Craig
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your OIA request below.
We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in any...
Workplace bullying and sexual harassment
Response by Human Rights Commission to Craig Innes on .
Awaiting classification.
Tçnâ koe
Thank you for contacting Te Kâhui Tika Tangata Human Rights Commission.
Our small but dedicated team are currently working through a...
Workplace bullying and sexual harassment
Request sent to Ministry of Māori Development by Craig Innes on .
Awaiting response.
Tena koe,
Please supply all information relating to the issues of workplace bullying and/or sexual harassment at the Waitangi Tribunal since 2016 as...
GIS data tracks
Response by New Zealand Walking Access Commission to Craig Innes on .
Awaiting classification.
Data export attached. 23mb.
Let me know if there are any technical issues accessing or understanding
the data.
Herenga ā Nuku is...
GIS Data Maori customary fishing/customary fisheries management areas
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Craig Innes on .
Tçnâ koe Craig,
On behalf of Simon Lawrence, Director Science & Information, please find
attached a response to your Official Information Act 19...
GIS data ETS Forests
Complaint to Ombudsman
Complaint against MPI
Tena koe.
I wish to make a complaint about the refusal of the Ministry for Primary Indust...
Tēnā koe Craig,
On behalf of Tess Keough, Acting Director Forestry Operations, please see
the attached response regarding your Official Info...
Workplace bullying and sexual harassment
Response by Ministry of Māori Development to Craig Innes on .
Tēnā koe Craig
Attached is our response to your requests for information.
Ngā mihi
Workplace bullying and sexual harassment
Response by Ministry of Māori Development to Craig Innes on .
Tēnā koe Craig
Attached is our response to your requests for information.
Ngā mihi
Workplace bullying and sexual harassment
Response by Public Service Commission to Craig Innes on .
Hi Craig
Please find attached our response to your below OIA request.
Kind regards
Enquiries Team
īmēra: [1][email address]
Kia Ora
Please find attached our response to your requests.
Philip Rossiter
Senior Advisor | Official Information and Privacy
Access to Archives NZ Records
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Craig Innes on .
Tēnā koe Craig,
Please find attached a letter from Poumanaaki Chief Archivist Anahera
Morehu regarding your complaint to Secretary for Internal...
Kia Ora Craig
The data you refer to as the 'original version', was supplied to you in our response to a previous LGOIMA request on 11 September.
Archives Database
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Craig Innes on .
Partially successful.
Tçnâ koe Craig
Please see attached Te Rua Mahara o te Kâwanatanga Archives New Zealand’s
response to your OIA request.
Ngâ mihi
Tçnâ koe Craig
I am writing to ac...
Kia Ora Craig
We’ve checked the data supplied and the only difference we can see is with
High & Very High Coastal Natural Character Areas where...
Tena koe,
I only require the number of land registration applications.
Naku noa, na,
Craig Innes
Kia Ora Craig
As Senior Advisor, Official Information and Privacy, I act in these matters with the authority delegated to me by the Chief Executive....
Tçnâ koe Craig
Please see attached Te Rua Mahara o te Kâwanatanga Archives New Zealand’s
response to your OIA request OIA2324-1097.
Ngâ mi...
Kia ora Craig,
Please attached our response to your OIA request of 20 June 2024.
If you have any questions, please contact our OIA inbox at...
Tçnâ koe Craig
Please see attached Te Rua Mahara o te Kâwanatanga Archives New Zealand’s
response to your OIA request OIA2324-1082.
Ngâ mi...
Tçnâ koe Mr Innes
The Chief Ombudsman is not subject to the Official Information Act 1982
(OIA) and Ombudsmen and their staff are required by la...
This person's 24 annotations
GIS data ETS Forests
Complaint to Ombudsman
Complaint against MPI
Tena koe.
I wish to make a complaint about the refusal of the Ministry for Primary Indust...
Access to Archives NZ Records
Tena koe Paul James (cc Kathryn and Brad Patterson)
I made the following communication on 18 June 2024. Was this complaint put to you? If so, why di...
Unedited video and complaints
Complaint to the Ombudsman:
Tena koe,
My communication with the Chief Executive of Hutt City Council has been met with the fo...
Access to Archives NZ Records
Complaint to the Ombudsman:
Tena koe,
I made a complaint to the secretary of the Department of Internal Affairs...
Archway Database
Final Decision of Ombudsman 582255 (Complaint ground: 582256)
Dear Mr Innes
Official Information Act investigat...
Archway Database
Email to Ombudsman's Office 19 June 2024
Re: Office of the Ombudsman Reference: 606230
Craig Inn...
Biodiversity Fund Payments & Communications
Partially successful.
Complaint to Ombudsman
Complaint against Hutt City Council
Tena koe,
I wish to lay a complaint against th...
GIS data associated with settlements or engagement
Request to Office for Māori Crown Relations—Te Arawhiti by Craig Innes. Annotated by Craig Innes on .
Complaint to Ombudsman
Tena koe,
I wish to make a complaint about the failure of Te Arawhiti to provide the information requested on 4 April 2023....
Complaint to Ombudsman
Tena koe,
I wish to make a complaint against the Department of Internal Affairs.
They have re...
Belt and Road Initiative briefings
Belt and Road Initiative briefings
Sexual Harassment & Workplace Bullying, Ministry of Justice
Request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by Craig Innes. Annotated by Craig Innes on .
Complaint to the Ombudsman:
Tena koe,
This is a complaint against the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.
I made the following request...
After discussing the refusal to supply the information with the Office of the Ombudsman, a series of fresh requests will be made to the following:
Map of MACA research progress
Partially successful.
The supplied information can be accessed via this link:
GIS data
Information supplied 30/9/21.
Stewardship Land Review
Complaint sent to Ombudsman 14/10/21
Tena koe,
Please find attached a letter from the Department of Conservatio...
Request for uncensored document
Long overdue.
Additional to the complaint to the Ombudsman
Tena koe,
I have reviewed my records and found...
Request for uncensored document
Long overdue.
Complaint sent to the Ombudsman
Tena koe,
After 262 days, the Ministry belatedly provided a requested doc...
Archway Database
This is a link to a post on the issue:
NZ Properties Data (Government Only)
The following complaint has been sent to the Ombudsman:
Tena koe,
I wish to make a complaint over the refus...
Archway Database
The complaint about the refusal to supply the requested information was sent to the Ombudsman on 4 May 2022.
RGL speech notes
Long overdue.
Complaint to the Ombudsman
Tena koe,
This is a complaint against Land Information New Zealand.
I requested the following information on 11 January...
Belt and Road Initiative briefings
A request for an urgent investigation has been made to the Ombudsman
Tena koe,
I have received a flat refusal to supply information from Nanaia Mah...
Belt and Road Initiative briefings
A request for an urgent investigation has been made to the Ombudsman
Tena koe,
I have received a flat refusal to supply information from Jacinda Ar...