Collapse of the Petrodollar & NZ Dollar
Chuck Schooner (Account suspended) made this Official Information request to Reserve Bank of New Zealand
The request was refused by Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)
Dear Reserve Bank of New Zealand,
The global elites aren't even hiding it anymore with Joe Biden mentioning in his latest speech that they will be ushering in a NWO.
Has the Reserve Bank ever heard of the saying "Money doesn't grow on trees?" Given all western governments are broke and will never be able to pay back their own debt then what information / advice has been provided by the Reserve Bank to mitigate the impact of the breakdown of the fiat currency and in turn people losing their lives savings.
What papers / information and advice are provided to government by Reserve Bank of NZ surrounding the collapse of the US Petrodollar.
If the US Petrodollar is to collapse then I'm assuming the NZ Dollar collapses so what assets does New Zealand have to cover their sovereign debt?
- Are their assets that NZ uses as collateral to sovereign debt?
- What assets are these and are they strategic in nature?
- Who / what would lay claim to these assets - global interests, other countries?
- Who would be responsible for the collapse of the NZ economy - Ardern, Minister of Finance?
- What is backing New Zealand's debt?
- What austerity measures would need to be put into place? Maybe we need to cut the majority of the Public Sector / glorified beneficiaries
Is it time that we ended the Reserve Bank and the government only spends what is gets in taxes?
NZ has the highest benefit rate to minimum wage, our productivity is in the toilet and the only thing that keeps NZ going is the primary sector which the elites are looking to destroy.
What mitigation measures / advice is given to government that will ensure Kiwi's don't lose everything?
Will the reserve bank be responsible in anyway and if so how will they be held accountable? Why should I be bankrupted when I work to a budget and put money away and pay down my debt?
Who will ultimately be responsible for Kiwis losing everything and being unable to afford to put food on the table.
Yours faithfully,
From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)
Dear Reserve Bank of New Zealand,
Can you include any and all information the Reserve Bank of NZ has on a potential new global currency / parallel market being developed by the EAEU & China backed by commodities - has the Reserve Bank been briefed on this and how would it impact the NZ dollar?
Yours faithfully,
Chuck Schooner
From: Ministerial correspondence Mailbox
Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Dear Chuck,
Thank you for your two requests of 23 March 2022 to the Reserve Bank of
New Zealand – Te Pūtea Matua made under the Official Information Act 1982
Request one:
what information / advice has been provided by the Reserve Bank to
mitigate the impact of the breakdown of the fiat currency and in turn
people losing their lives savings.
[…] what papers / information and advice are provided to government by
Reserve Bank of NZ surrounding the collapse of the US Petrodollar.
If the US Petrodollar is to collapse then I'm assuming the NZ Dollar
collapses so what assets does New Zealand have to cover their sovereign
- Are their assets that NZ uses as collateral to sovereign debt?
- What assets are these and are they strategic in nature?
- Who / what would lay claim to these assets - global interests, other
- Who would be responsible for the collapse of the NZ economy - Ardern,
Minister of Finance?
- What is backing New Zealand's debt?
- What austerity measures would need to be put into place? Maybe we need
to cut the majority of the Public Sector / glorified beneficiaries
Is it time that we ended the Reserve Bank and the government only spends
what is gets in taxes?
What mitigation measures / advice is given to government that will ensure
Kiwi's don't lose everything?
Will the reserve bank be responsible in anyway and if so how will they be
held accountable? Why should I be bankrupted when I work to a budget and
put money away and pay down my debt?
Who will ultimately be responsible for Kiwis losing everything and being
unable to afford to put food on the table.
Request two:
Can you include any and all information the Reserve Bank of NZ has on a
potential new global currency / parallel market being developed by the
EAEU & China backed by commodities - has the Reserve Bank been briefed on
this and how would it impact the NZ dollar?
For administrative efficiency we will respond to your requests together.
We will endeavour to respond to your requests as soon as possible and in
any event no later than 22 April 2022, being 20 working days after the day
your request was received. If we are unable to respond to your request by
then, we will notify you of an extension to that timeframe.
Charges for providing official information and publishing responses
The OIA allows charges to be imposed for the preparation of information in
response to requests. An assessment of whether or not a charge will be
applied is undertaken once the response has been finalised and is measured
against guidance provided by the Ombudsman and the Ministry of Justice.
The RBNZ is resourced to meet disclosure obligations for a reasonable
level of requests and the cost of providing free responses to official
information requests is generally borne by taxpayers. However, the RBNZ
believes that requesters should bear some of the costs, where allowable
under the OIA, when requests are made for large amounts of information,
where a response is particularly complex, or where individuals or
organisations make frequent requests. We will work with you first to
refine the request to a smaller scale or scope that is less likely to
involve charges.
Responses to official information requests are published on the RBNZ’s
website. We will confirm in our decision letter to you whether we intend
to publish our response to your request.
Further information about charges and publishing responses is available on
our website at
Yours sincerely,
Ruth Duncan
Senior Advisor
Government and Industry Relations
Reserve Bank of New Zealand – [3]Text Description automatically generated
Te Pūtea Matua
2 The Terrace, Wellington
6011. PO Box 2498, Wellington
W [2]
From: Chuck Schooner <[5][FOI #18955 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, 23 March 2022 12:18 pm
To: RBNZ Info <[6][RBNZ request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Collapse of the Petrodollar & NZ
Dear Reserve Bank of New Zealand,
The global elites aren't even hiding it anymore with Joe Biden mentioning
in his latest speech that they will be ushering in a NWO.
Has the Reserve Bank ever heard of the saying "Money doesn't grow on
trees?" Given all western governments are broke and will never be able to
pay back their own debt then what information / advice has been provided
by the Reserve Bank to mitigate the impact of the breakdown of the fiat
currency and in turn people losing their lives savings.
What papers / information and advice are provided to government by Reserve
Bank of NZ surrounding the collapse of the US Petrodollar.
If the US Petrodollar is to collapse then I'm assuming the NZ Dollar
collapses so what assets does New Zealand have to cover their sovereign
- Are their assets that NZ uses as collateral to sovereign debt?
- What assets are these and are they strategic in nature?
- Who / what would lay claim to these assets - global interests, other
- Who would be responsible for the collapse of the NZ economy - Ardern,
Minister of Finance?
- What is backing New Zealand's debt?
- What austerity measures would need to be put into place? Maybe we need
to cut the majority of the Public Sector / glorified beneficiaries
Is it time that we ended the Reserve Bank and the government only spends
what is gets in taxes?
NZ has the highest benefit rate to minimum wage, our productivity is in
the toilet and the only thing that keeps NZ going is the primary sector
which the elites are looking to destroy.
What mitigation measures / advice is given to government that will ensure
Kiwi's don't lose everything?
Will the reserve bank be responsible in anyway and if so how will they be
held accountable? Why should I be bankrupted when I work to a budget and
put money away and pay down my debt?
Who will ultimately be responsible for Kiwis losing everything and being
unable to afford to put food on the table.
Yours faithfully,
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[7][FOI #18955 email]
Is [8][RBNZ request email] the wrong address for Official Information
requests to Reserve Bank of New Zealand? If so, please contact us using
this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
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show quoted sections
From: Ministerial correspondence Mailbox
Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Dear Chuck,
Please find attached our response to your information request dated 23
March 2022.
Yours sincerely,
Ross Francis
Ministerial and OIA Adviser
Government and Industry Relations
Reserve Bank of New Zealand – Te [3]Text Description automatically
Pūtea Matua generated
2 The Terrace, Wellington 6011. [4]cid:image010.png@01D7593A.4FF7BCD0
PO Box 2498, Wellington 6140
T +64 (04) 474 8652 E
[1][email address]
W [2]
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1. mailto:[email address]
From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)
Dear Ministerial correspondence Mailbox,
Thanks Ross - can you also explain who causes inflation? The government is the only agency that can cause inflation because they are the only entity that can print money. Inflation isn’t supply chains etc etc etc - when government prints money inflation occurs. Shouldn’t the government be warned about printing anymore money?!
Yours sincerely,
Chuck Schooner
From: Ministerial correspondence Mailbox
Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Dear Chuck,
Thank you for your additional questions. We will add these to your
original request and provide one response.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Kind regards,
Ruth Duncan
Senior Advisor
Government and Industry Relations
Reserve Bank of New Zealand – [2]Text Description automatically generated
Te Pūtea Matua
2 The Terrace, Wellington
6011. PO Box 2498, Wellington
W [1]
From: Chuck Schooner <[FOI #18955 email]>
Sent: Saturday, 16 April 2022 7:31 am
To: Ministerial correspondence Mailbox <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Extension to OIA Response (OIA2122_099)
Dear Ministerial correspondence Mailbox,
Thanks Ross - can you also explain who causes inflation? The government is
the only agency that can cause inflation because they are the only entity
that can print money. Inflation isn’t supply chains etc etc etc - when
government prints money inflation occurs. Shouldn’t the government be
warned about printing anymore money?!
Yours sincerely,
Chuck Schooner
show quoted sections
From: Ministerial correspondence Mailbox
Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Dear Chuck,
Please find attached the response of Reserve Bank of New Zealand - Te
Pūtea Matua to your requests under the Official Information Act dated 23
March 2022 and 16 April 2022.
Yours sincerely,
Ross Francis
Ministerial and OIA Adviser
Government and Industry Relations
Reserve Bank of New Zealand – Te [3]Text Description automatically
Pūtea Matua generated
2 The Terrace, Wellington 6011. [4]cid:image010.png@01D7593A.4FF7BCD0
PO Box 2498, Wellington 6140
T +64 (04) 474 8652 E
[1][email address]
W [2]
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1. mailto:[email address]
From: Chuck Schooner (Account suspended)
Dear Ministerial correspondence Mailbox,
This response provided very little in detail especially when additional time was requested to respond. My one takeway in this is that inflation running at 7% means the RBNZ has failed by 300 basis points in what is their main task. Effectively a missed target by 200%. So whose fault is that? If it is RBNZ's task then are RBNZ at fault in government advice, government budgetary issues, wreckless spending (with more to come this year).
Are RBNZ the reason the government has missed their infationary targets by 200%?
It certainly seems that way if this is one of your tasks?
Yours sincerely,
Chuck Schooner
From: Ministerial correspondence Mailbox
Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Dear Chuck,
Thank you for your follow-up email of 16 May 2022.
Under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA), and in guidance from the
Ombudsman on the matter, there is no obligation for an agency to create
information in order to respond to a request, and generating an
explanation or opinion may amount to the creation of new information. The
RBNZ believes, in this case, responding to your additional questions would
amount to the creation of information. The Ombudsman’s guidance on what
constitutes a request for official information under the OIA advises that
“while it is permissible to seek information by asking questions under the
OIA, a distinction must be drawn between questions which seek information
that is ‘held’, and questions which seek to elicit an opinion or
explanation. The primary purpose of the OIA is to allow requestors to seek
information ‘held’ by agencies. It is not a mechanism for requestors to
seek an agency’s explanation or opinion.”
While the RBNZ endeavours to accommodate all requests for information,
whether or not the requests themselves technically meet the threshold of
an OIA request under legislation, there are limits to what is able to be
provided where requests do not meet the grounds of the OIA. If you have
particular information that you wish to request from the RBNZ, please
advise and we will respond to you under the OIA.
Yours sincerely,
Ross Francis
Ministerial and OIA Adviser
Government and Industry Relations
Reserve Bank of New Zealand – Te [3]Text Description automatically
Pūtea Matua generated
2 The Terrace, Wellington 6011. [4]cid:image010.png@01D7593A.4FF7BCD0
PO Box 2498, Wellington 6140
T +64 (04) 474 8652 E
[1][email address]
W [2]
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1. mailto:[email address]
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence