COVID-19 “vaccines”, mortality, and morbidity

ASE made this Official Information request to Government Communications Security Bureau

The request was partially successful.

From: ASE

Attn Government Communications Security Bureau

I am seeking all information held by GCSB relating to correlation and/or causality between COVID-19 “vaccines” and mortality and/or morbidity.

For clarification, the above request includes:

• all information held by GCSB relating to any correlations between COVID-19 “vaccines” and mortality.
• all information held by GCSB relating to any correlations between COVID-19 “vaccines” and morbidity.
• all information held by GCSB relating to causality between COVID-19 “vaccines” and mortality.
• all information held by GCSB relating to causality between COVID-19 “vaccines” and morbidity.
• all information relating to the status, release, management, and/or dissemination of such information, as requested herein.
• all information relating to any such information, as requested herein, that may have been passed from, to, or through GCSB channels.

Thank you,

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From: Information (GCSB)
Government Communications Security Bureau

Tēnā koe,

Before we begin processing your request, we require more information to establish your eligibility to make a request under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA).

Per Section 12 of the OIA, to be eligible to make a request you must be:
• a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident;
• a person in New Zealand; or
• a corporate entity (that is, a company or an incorporated society) which is either incorporated in New Zealand or has a place of business here.

Please send information that confirms your eligibility to make an OIA request to the email address on this page: This could be a scanned copy of a New Zealand driver’s licence or passport or evidence of residency in New Zealand, such as a utility bill with your name/address. If you are not able to provide any of the above, please contact us to discuss further options for providing proof of eligibility to make a request.

Ngā mihi,

-----Original Message-----
From: ASE <[FOI #22483 email]>
Sent: Monday, 17 April 2023 11:08 AM
To: Information (GCSB) <[GCSB request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - COVID-19 “vaccines”, mortality, and morbidity

Attn Government Communications Security Bureau

I am seeking all information held by GCSB relating to correlation and/or causality between COVID-19 “vaccines” and mortality and/or morbidity.

For clarification, the above request includes:

• all information held by GCSB relating to any correlations between COVID-19 “vaccines” and mortality.
• all information held by GCSB relating to any correlations between COVID-19 “vaccines” and morbidity.
• all information held by GCSB relating to causality between COVID-19 “vaccines” and mortality.
• all information held by GCSB relating to causality between COVID-19 “vaccines” and morbidity.
• all information relating to the status, release, management, and/or dissemination of such information, as requested herein.
• all information relating to any such information, as requested herein, that may have been passed from, to, or through GCSB channels.

Thank you,


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #22483 email]

Is [GCSB request email] the wrong address for Official Information requests to Government Communications Security Bureau? If so, please contact us using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


This electronic message, together with any attachments, contains information that is provided in confidence and may be subject to legal privilege.
Any classification markings must be adhered to. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not peruse, disclose, disseminate, copy or use the message in
any way. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email and then destroy the original message.
The New Zealand Intelligence Community (NZIC) and the departments comprising the NZIC accepts no responsibility for changes to this e-mail, or to any attachments, after its transmission
from NZIC. This communication may be accessed or retained for information assurance purposes. Thank you.

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From: ASE

Attn Government Communications Security Bureau

I affirm, under penalty of perjury, that I meet the requirements cited under Section 12(1) of the Official Information Act to make an Official Information Act Request.

Please refer to the Privacy Act, Section 22, Information privacy principle 1, (1)(b) and (2).

Further enquiries relating to Section 12(1) of the Official Information Act should be directed to the Office of the Ombudsman. Please refer to Section 28(5) of the Official Information Act.

I trust that this request for information can be processed without further delay.

Thank you,

Link to this

From: Information (GCSB)
Government Communications Security Bureau

Tēnā koe,


We ask for assurance that a requester is eligible to make a request under
section 12 of the OIA before proceeding. The assurance we seek is that
which is enough to make clear that you are a New Zealand citizen or
permanent resident or are in New Zealand. One way to do this is to provide
supporting documentation, like a copy of a New Zealand driver licence, or
passport, or utility bill. Another is to tell us your name and where you
are living. Another way would be to send us your assurance that you are in
New Zealand with something that substantiates that, like a photo of that
day’s local newspaper. We are flexible in the ways you can provide us
assurance that you are a person eligible to make a request, but at this
stage, we do not consider we have enough information to be satisfied you
are eligible to make a request.


The Ombudsman's guidance states agencies are entitled to make reasonable
enquiries to satisfy themselves that a requester is eligible to make a
request under the OIA
- refer page 4). Once a requester has confirmed eligibility, they will not
be asked to do so again (assuming they use the same FYI account).


The Ombudsman's guidance and also recommends that requesters use a
real name when making a request ([2] If
you do not want to provide evidence of your eligibility to make a request
to us directly, you are welcome to contact the Office of the Ombudsman, or
ask to make a request on your behalf (refer Can I make an OIA
request using a pseudonym? on  [3]


You may complain to the Inspector-General of Security and Intelligence
(IGIS) if you feel you have, or may have been adversely affected by any
act, omission, practice, policy, or procedure of an intelligence and
security agency. The IGIS contact details can be found out:


Ngā mihi,




-----Original Message-----
From: ASE <[FOI #22483 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 18 April 2023 2:14 PM
To: Information (GCSB) <[GCSB request email]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - COVID-19


Attn Government Communications Security Bureau


I affirm, under penalty of perjury, that I meet the requirements cited
under Section 12(1) of the Official Information Act to make an Official
Information Act Request.


Please refer to the Privacy Act, Section 22, Information privacy principle
1, (1)(b) and (2).


Further enquiries relating to Section 12(1) of the Official Information
Act should be directed to the Office of the Ombudsman. Please refer to
Section 28(5) of the Official Information Act.


I trust that this request for information can be processed without further


Thank you,



-----Original Message-----


Tēnā koe,


Before we begin processing your request, we require more information to
establish your eligibility to make a request under the Official
Information Act 1982 (OIA).


Per Section 12 of the OIA, to be eligible to make a request you must be:

•             a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident;

•             a person in New Zealand; or

•             a corporate entity (that is, a company or an incorporated
society) which is either incorporated in New Zealand or has a place of
business here.


Please send information that confirms your eligibility to make an OIA
request to the email address on this page:
This could be a scanned copy of a New Zealand driver’s licence or passport
or evidence of residency in New Zealand, such as a utility bill with your
name/address. If you are not able to provide any of the above, please
contact us to discuss further options for providing proof of eligibility
to make a request.


Ngā mihi,




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[6][FOI #22483 email]


Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA





This electronic message, together with any attachments, contains
information that is provided in confidence and may be subject to legal
privilege. Any classification markings must be adhered to. If you are not
the intended recipient, you must not peruse, disclose, disseminate, copy
or use the message in any way. If you have received this message in error,
please notify us immediately by return email and then destroy the original
message.  The New Zealand Intelligence Community (NZIC) and the
departments comprising the NZIC accepts no responsibility for changes to
this e-mail, or to any attachments, after its transmission from NZIC. This
communication may be accessed or retained for information assurance
purposes. Thank you.



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6. mailto:[FOI #22483 email]

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From: ASE

Attn Government Communications Security Bureau

Please refer to the Privacy Act, Section 22, Information privacy principle 1, (1)(b) and (2).

While Section 12 of the Official Information Act (inclusively) lists who is eligible to request information under that act, it does not require you to collect any identifying information, nor does it require me to disclose any identifying information. As such, an affirmation such as previously provided should satisfy any requirements regarding eligibility as per Section 12 of the Official Information Act.

Further enquiries relating to Section 12(1) of the Official Information Act should be directed to the Office of the Ombudsman. Please refer to Section 28(5) of the Official Information Act.

I trust that this request for information can be processed without further delay.

Thank you,

Link to this

From: Information (GCSB)
Government Communications Security Bureau

Tēnā koe,

We have not received the evidence of your eligibility to make a request under the OIA. As such, we cannot accept your request at this time.

You are welcome to re-submit your request with the required evidence of eligibility at any time. As noted, if you are not comfortable sending proof of eligibility to the GCSB directly you are welcome to share this with the Office of the Ombudsman, and ask that they confirm your eligibility with us. Once we are satisfied that your request meets the requirements under section 12(1) of the OIA we can proceed.

You may complain to the Inspector-General of Security and Intelligence (IGIS) if you feel you have, or may have been adversely affected by any act, omission, practice, policy, or procedure of an intelligence and security agency. The IGIS contact details can be found at:

Ngā mihi,

-----Original Message-----
From: ASE <[FOI #22483 email]>
Sent: Saturday, 22 April 2023 1:12 AM
To: Information (GCSB) <[GCSB request email]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - COVID-19

Attn Government Communications Security Bureau

Please refer to the Privacy Act, Section 22, Information privacy principle 1, (1)(b) and (2).

While Section 12 of the Official Information Act (inclusively) lists who is eligible to request information under that act, it does not require you to collect any identifying information, nor does it require me to disclose any identifying information. As such, an affirmation such as previously provided should satisfy any requirements regarding eligibility as per Section 12 of the Official Information Act.

Further enquiries relating to Section 12(1) of the Official Information Act should be directed to the Office of the Ombudsman. Please refer to Section 28(5) of the Official Information Act.

I trust that this request for information can be processed without further delay.

Thank you,

-----Original Message-----

Tēnā koe,


We ask for assurance that a requester is eligible to make a request under section 12 of the OIA before proceeding. The assurance we seek is that which is enough to make clear that you are a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident or are in New Zealand. One way to do this is to provide supporting documentation, like a copy of a New Zealand driver licence, or passport, or utility bill. Another is to tell us your name and where you are living. Another way would be to send us your assurance that you are in New Zealand with something that substantiates that, like a photo of that day’s local newspaper. We are flexible in the ways you can provide us assurance that you are a person eligible to make a request, but at this stage, we do not consider we have enough information to be satisfied you are eligible to make a request.


The Ombudsman's guidance states agencies are entitled to make reasonable enquiries to satisfy themselves that a requester is eligible to make a request under the OIA ([1]
- refer page 4). Once a requester has confirmed eligibility, they will not be asked to do so again (assuming they use the same FYI account).


The Ombudsman's guidance and also recommends that requesters use a real name when making a request ([2] If you do not want to provide evidence of your eligibility to make a request to us directly, you are welcome to contact the Office of the Ombudsman, or ask to make a request on your behalf (refer Can I make an OIA request using a pseudonym? on  [3]


You may complain to the Inspector-General of Security and Intelligence
(IGIS) if you feel you have, or may have been adversely affected by any act, omission, practice, policy, or procedure of an intelligence and security agency. The IGIS contact details can be found out:


Ngā mihi,




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #22483 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


This electronic message, together with any attachments, contains information that is provided in confidence and may be subject to legal privilege.
Any classification markings must be adhered to. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not peruse, disclose, disseminate, copy or use the message in
any way. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email and then destroy the original message.
The New Zealand Intelligence Community (NZIC) and the departments comprising the NZIC accepts no responsibility for changes to this e-mail, or to any attachments, after its transmission
from NZIC. This communication may be accessed or retained for information assurance purposes. Thank you.

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From: ASE

Attn Government Communications Security Bureau,

I have affirmed, under penalty of perjury, that I meet the requirements cited under Section 12(1) of the Official Information Act to make an Official Information Act Request. This constitutes evidence of eligibility to make a request under the OIA, compliant with both the Official Information Act and the Privacy Act.

At this time, I will have to file a formal complaint with the Office of the Ombudsman, as you are imposing undue delay in violation of the Official Information Act, and requesting identifying information to which you are not entitled under the Privacy Act. I will request that the Office of the Ombudsman follow up as needed with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner.

Thank you,

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ASE left an annotation ()

Complaint filed with Ombudsman, as per most recent correspondence.

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From: Information (GCSB)
Government Communications Security Bureau

Tçnâ koe,


On Friday 30 June, the Office of the Ombudsman contacted us to confirm you
had provided them with confirmation of your eligibility to make a request
under the OIA. The GCSB will now accept your OIA request for the following

I am seeking all information held by GCSB relating to correlation and/or
causality between COVID-19 “vaccines” and mortality and/or morbidity.

For clarification, the above request includes:

• all information held by GCSB relating to any correlations between
COVID-19 “vaccines” and mortality.
• all information held by GCSB relating to any correlations between
COVID-19 “vaccines” and morbidity.
• all information held by GCSB relating to causality between COVID-19
“vaccines” and mortality.
• all information held by GCSB relating to causality between COVID-19
“vaccines” and morbidity.
• all information relating to the status, release, management, and/or
dissemination of such information, as requested herein.
• all information relating to any such information, as requested herein,
that may have been passed from, to, or through GCSB channels.

We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and, in
any event, no later than 20 working days after the day that your request
was accepted (30 June 2023).  If we are unable to respond to your request
by then, we will notify you of an extension of that timeframe.


If you have any queries, please feel free to contact
[GCSB request email].


Ngâ mihi,





This electronic message, together with any attachments, contains
information that is provided in confidence and may be subject to legal
privilege. Any classification markings must be adhered to. If you are not
the intended recipient, you must not peruse, disclose, disseminate, copy
or use the message in any way. If you have received this message in error,
please notify us immediately by return email and then destroy the original
message.  The New Zealand Intelligence Community (NZIC) and the
departments comprising the NZIC accepts no responsibility for changes to
this e-mail, or to any attachments, after its transmission from NZIC. This
communication may be accessed or retained for information assurance
purposes. Thank you.


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ASE left an annotation ()

Some information released -

Some information withheld under the following grounds of the OIA:
 section 6(a) the making available of the information would be likely to prejudice the
security or defence of New Zealand or the international relations of the Government
of New Zealand.
 section 6(b)(i), the making available of that information would be likely to prejudice
the entrusting of information to the Government of New Zealand on the basis of
confidence by the Government of any other country or any agency of such a

Complaint filed with Ombudsman.

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Things to do with this request

Government Communications Security Bureau only: