Budgets for biotech. Period 2019-21; & GM pasture species 2002-2023.
J Bruning made this Official Information request to AgResearch Limited
The request was successful.
From: J Bruning
Dear AgResearch,
(A) On 21 June, 2022, following an Official Information Act request, you sent a list of projects employing regulated gene bio technologies.
For each project on this list, please can you provide the:
1. Total budget for each project, including the breakdown and details of institutional funder/funding program.
2. Years and expected length of project, including where extended.
3. Initiator of each project – whether it was an AgResearch scientist or whether an institutional partner approached AgResearch.
4. Estimated expected return on income for each project.
5. Expected benefits other than financial for each project. This includes:
a. Commercialisation pathways, as a result of non-government funding, including commercialisation and licensing/royalty arrangements between AgResearch and the institutional partner.
b. Envisaged direct benefit to New Zealand farmers/growers.
c. Envisaged direct benefit to export markets.
(B) Funding for GM pasture species 2002- June 2023
From 2002 onwards AgResearch has secured funding for GM pasture species. It is very difficult to understand how much has been funded, and the analysis of funding outcomes and benefits to New Zealand.
Please can you fill in the gaps and complete this list so that the total funding coming through AgResearch directed to GM pasture species research between 2002-June 2023, is publicly available.
1. Funding 2002-2011 Total all programmes GM pasture species (ryegrass & clover) $26.97m
2. Funding for GM pasture species between 2012-2017
3. 2016 C10X1603 Forages with Elevated Photosynthesis and Growth $11.5m
a. Please can you provide the project summary and timeline.
4. HME ryegrass $25 million over 5 years.
a. Please confirm funding by institution/funding programme and amount funded by that institution/funding programme.
b. Please confirm dates of funding period.
c. Please confirm whether C10X1603 was included in the $25 million total.
5. C10X0815 - 'Exploiting Opportunities from Forage Plant Genomics' valued at $10,368,889.
a. Please can you confirm the date this was approved.
b. Please can you provide the project summary
6. Please can you confirm total investment in: GM Forages High ME - Core 50210x01. (which should be compartmentalised above).
7. Please confirm which projects have been completed. Please provide the review/analysis of the project which it is understood would be undertaken at the end of a project. Information might include whether the project achieved expected aims, and what they were if non-monetary, and financial summaries of income or expected income.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
J Bruning
From: Rose Ashby
AgResearch Limited
I acknowledge receipt of your email below dated 20 June 2023.
AgResearch has logged your request and will respond in line with the
requirements of the Act. We will endeavour to have a reply to you by
Wednesday, 19 July 2023.
Rose Ashby
Executive Assistant to
the Chief Executive & [1]http://g10.agresearch.co.nz/support/comm...
OIA Specialist
CEO Office
T: +64 3 321 8839
M: +64 21 196 1271
[2]Based at Lincoln
Research Centre Campus
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From: Nick Barraclough
AgResearch Limited
Dear J Bruning,
I refer to your official information request for information pertaining to
AgResearch’s budgets for biotech and GM pasture species work, on 20 June
The OIA requires that we advise you of our decision on your request within
20 working days of your request. Unfortunately, we will be unable to meet
that time frame and we are writing to notify you of an extension of the
time to make our decision, to 16 August 2023.
As the scope of your request is quite large, it is requiring us to both
search through historic records and also make enquiries of several staff.
As some of the information requested also pertains to some of AgResearch’s
stakeholder organisations, we also need to consult with those
organisations in order to make a decision on your request. As such, a
proper response and decision cannot be reasonably made within the original
time limit. We will be back in contact with you as soon as we have been
able to undertake these tasks and make a decision.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[1]www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602. If you wish to
discuss any aspect of your request with us, including this decision,
please feel free to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Nick Barraclough
Team Leader Legal /
Privacy Officer [2]http://g10.agresearch.co.nz/support/comm...
T +64 3 321 8682
[3]Based at Lincoln
Science Centre Campus
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From: Nick Barraclough
AgResearch Limited
Dear J Bruning,
Please see letter attached in relation to your request. Please feel free
to contact me if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Nick Barraclough
Team Leader Legal /
Privacy Officer [1]http://g10.agresearch.co.nz/support/comm...
T +64 3 321 8682
[2]Based at Lincoln
Science Centre Campus
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From: Nick Barraclough
AgResearch Limited
Dear J Bruning,
Please see our further letter attached in relation to your request.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Nick Barraclough
Team Leader Legal /
Privacy Officer [1]http://g10.agresearch.co.nz/support/comm...
T +64 3 321 8682
[2]Based at Lincoln
Science Centre Campus
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence