ANPR Audit results - Auror & vGRID - What does "audit" actually mean?

M B made this Official Information request to New Zealand Police

The request was successful.

From: M B

Dear New Zealand Police,

Please provide further clarity and information on what is meant by the Police's statement that all live ANPR alerts have been audited.

Including specifically whether "audit" includes confirming that a live alert was lawfully authorised (under a tracking warrant / warrant exemption).


On 10/06/2023 I requested information on the number of active detection ANPR alerts (Live alerts / 'tracking function') conducted under the different statutory authorities that are available to the Police for those types of searches: tracking warrants, warrantless tracking warrant uses, and [questionably] confined Privacy Act exemptions (

The Police could not provide me with that information despite stating that "every ... use of [the] ANPR tracking functionality was audited, from ... 2018 ... [to] October 2022" in the audit summary completed December 2022 ( at 2).

I note that the purpose of the audit was "to verify that authorised Police staff are accessing externally provided ANPR data in appropriate ways" ( but your previous response suggests that the authority data may not have been audited.

Yours faithfully,

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From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Police

Tēnā koe

I acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request below.

Your reference number is IR-01-23-25410

You can expect a response to your request on or before 04/09/2023 unless an extension is needed.

Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Services - Police National Headquarters

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From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Police

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Attachment Helm Mason IR 01 23 25410 Response.pdf
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Tēnā koe                                  

Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received by New Zealand Police on 7 August 2023.


Ngā mihi



Advisor | Ministerial Services | Police National Headquarters

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