OIA progress against SPEs and SOIs
ThomasWillson made this Official Information request to Privacy Commissioner
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for ThomasWillson to read a recent response and update the status.
From: ThomasWillson
Dear Privacy Commissioner,
Please detail your progress against each measure in your SPE for 2022/23
Please provide your current SPE and previous SPE and detail the specific differences between the two including specific detail of any changes in measures or new measures
Please provide all documentation and all correspondence in the past 12 months that demonstrate and detail the progress made on key priorities defined in your current statement of intent, SOI
Please advise the number of staff employed on a full time basis for each year covered over your last two SOI’s (10 years?) and how these number support you SOI’s goals or priorities over that period and if your SOI’s resulted in an increase in staff
Please provide detail of your budget figures for the years covered by current and previous SOI’s and explain major increases or decreases in budget over that period including how these assign with you SOI’s priorities/goals
For the period of your current and previous SOI’s what has been your spend broken down by department or business unit by year.
What organisational changes such as restructures have occurred in the periods covered by you last 2 SOI’s, provide documentation relating to organisation changes , consultations, ministerial advice, briefing documents, plans, feedback/responses.
Yours faithfully,
Thomas WillsoN
From: OIA
Privacy Commissioner
Tçnâ koe
Please find attached the Privacy Commissioner’s response to your official
information request, including 13 attachments.
Aku mihi
Sharyn Leonard
Executive Assistant (Legal) | Kaiâwhina Mâtâmua, Taha Ture
Office of the Privacy Commissioner Te Mana Mâtâpono Matatapu
PO Box 10094, The Terrace, Wellington 6143
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence