Assessment of Sanctions, Diplomatic Relations, and Peacekeeping Considerations in Response to the Gaza Crisis (Period: Oct 7, 2023 – Feb 1, 2024)

Lance D. Lavery made this Official Information request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Response to this request is long overdue. By law Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.

From: Lance D. Lavery

Dear Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade,

As part of our ongoing comprehensive nine-part series under the Official Information Act 1982, this fifth request continues our in-depth assessment of New Zealand's engagement in Gaza since 7 October 2023. Following our initial inquiries focusing on humanitarian aid, specialized healthcare system support, education and culture, and financial contributions, this instalment focuses on New Zealand's response to the Gaza crisis, particularly in the realms of diplomatic and ambassadorial measures.

Part 5: Assessment of Immediate and Direct Diplomatic Measures by New Zealand

1. Sanctions and Diplomatic Stance:

• What types of sanctions against Israel are currently under consideration by New Zealand in response to the Gaza crisis?
• How does New Zealand plan to balance the potential imposition of sanctions against Israel with the broader objectives of maintaining diplomatic relations?
• What specific criteria or benchmarks does New Zealand use to evaluate the potential effectiveness and impact of these proposed sanctions?
• In considering sanctions, what are New Zealand's strategic considerations regarding their potential impact on regional geopolitical dynamics in the Middle East?
• Please provide a historical comparison of instances where New Zealand has previously imposed sanctions in response to international conflicts or human rights violations?

2. Diplomatic Relations and Ambassadorial Measures:

• What immediate steps, if any, has New Zealand taken or is considering reviewing or alter its diplomatic relations with Israel considering recent events in Gaza?
• How does New Zealand assess the benefits and potential drawbacks of taking ambassadorial measures such as the expulsion of diplomats in response to international conflicts?
• In the current Gaza crisis, what specific diplomatic tools or strategies is New Zealand employing or considering facilitating dialogue and conflict resolution?
• In the pursuit of ongoing diplomatic communication, what mechanisms does the Ministry prioritise for ensuring effective and continuous dialogue in conflict situations?
• Please provide a historical comparison detailing how New Zealand has previously altered ambassadorial relations or undertaken expulsions in response to international crises or conflicts.

3. Defence Force Deployment and Military Aid Considerations:

• In response to the Gaza crisis, has New Zealand explored the possibility of deploying the New Zealand Defence Force for peacekeeping purposes in the region?
• What are the key factors and considerations that would influence New Zealand’s decision to deploy NZDF personnel in a peacekeeping role in Gaza?
• Given the context of the Gaza crisis, has there been any internal discussion or review within the New Zealand government regarding the hypothetical scenario of withholding military aid to Israel?
• How would New Zealand evaluate the potential impact and diplomatic implications of such a decision on its international relations and commitments in the Middle East?
• Please provide historical insights into New Zealand's approach to deploying its Defence Force in international peacekeeping missions and its stance on providing or withholding military aid in conflict situations?

I anticipate a comprehensive response by 8 February 2024 addressing the specified concerns in diplomacy, ambassadorial measures, and defence considerations. This information is essential to understand New Zealand's diplomatic responses and strategic decisions in the context of the Gaza crisis, underlining our nation's commitment to transparent and accountable global engagement.

I appreciate your cooperation in this critical matter.

Yours faithfully,

Lance D. Lavery

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Kia ora Lance D Lavery

Thank you for your OIA request received on 11/12/2023 for:
1.Sanctions and Diplomatic Stance:

•What types of sanctions against Israel are currently under consideration by New Zealand in response to the Gaza crisis?
•How does New Zealand plan to balance the potential imposition of sanctions against Israel with the broader objectives of maintaining diplomatic relations?
•What specific criteria or benchmarks does New Zealand use to evaluate the potential effectiveness and impact of these proposed sanctions?
•In considering sanctions, what are New Zealand's strategic considerations regarding their potential impact on regional geopolitical dynamics in the Middle East?
•Please provide a historical comparison of instances where New Zealand has previously imposed sanctions in response to international conflicts or human rights violations?

2.Diplomatic Relations and Ambassadorial Measures:

•What immediate steps, if any, has New Zealand taken or is considering reviewing or alter its diplomatic relations with Israel considering recent events in Gaza?
•How does New Zealand assess the benefits and potential drawbacks of taking ambassadorial measures such as the expulsion of diplomats in response to international conflicts?
•In the current Gaza crisis, what specific diplomatic tools or strategies is New Zealand employing or considering facilitating dialogue and conflict resolution?
•In the pursuit of ongoing diplomatic communication, what mechanisms does the Ministry prioritise for ensuring effective and continuous dialogue in conflict situations?
•Please provide a historical comparison detailing how New Zealand has previously altered ambassadorial relations or undertaken expulsions in response to international crises or conflicts.

3.Defence Force Deployment and Military Aid Considerations:

•In response to the Gaza crisis, has New Zealand explored the possibility of deploying the New Zealand Defence Force for peacekeeping purposes in the region?
•What are the key factors and considerations that would influence New Zealand’s decision to deploy NZDF personnel in a peacekeeping role in Gaza?
•Given the context of the Gaza crisis, has there been any internal discussion or review within the New Zealand government regarding the hypothetical scenario of withholding military aid to Israel?
•How would New Zealand evaluate the potential impact and diplomatic implications of such a decision on its international relations and commitments in the Middle East?
•Please provide historical insights into New Zealand's approach to deploying its Defence Force in international peacekeeping missions and its stance on providing or withholding military aid in conflict situations?
This email confirms receipt of your request and advises that we will respond to it as soon as reasonably practicable, and in terms of the timeframes and requirements of the OIA.

Please note that our response letter to you (with your personal details redacted), and any enclosed documents, may be published on the Ministry’s website.

Please also note that your request is formally due after the OIA summer holiday period (25 December 2023 to 15 January 2024), which are not considered working days as set out in section 2(1) of the OIA, however the Ministry will seek to provide you with a decision on your request as soon as possible.

Ngā mihi

Executive Services Division
New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade | Manatū Aorere

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Attachment OIA 28963 Lance Lavery Response.pdf
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Tēnā koe Lance Lavery,

On behalf of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade, please see attached the response to your official information request.

Ngā mihi,

Executive Services Division

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