Is it compulsory to have a tax file number

John Armstrong made this Official Information request to Inland Revenue Department

The request was partially successful.

From: John Armstrong

Dear Inland Revenue Department,

1/ Can you please supply the legislation stating people must have a tax file number.

2/ Can a natural person cancel or return their Tax number?

Yours faithfully,

John Armstrong

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From: oia
Inland Revenue Department

Attachment 24OIA1802 second response signed Armstrong.pdf
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Dear John Armstrong

Please find attached a response to your second Official Information Act
request of 16 February 2024.


Kind regards


OIA team

Governance and Ministerial Services | Inland Revenue – Te Tari Taake




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DMC left an annotation ()

Are you a believer in fake laws that make out you dont have to pay tax ? freemen etc

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Deane Landreth left an annotation ()

It's interesting the the response does not directly address the request. What is stated is:
"For this purpose, a person is required by the Inland Revenue Acts to cooperate with the
Commissioner in a way that assists the exercise of the Commissioner’s powers under the tax
laws." which is intentionally vague about the matter of compulsion .

Also the statement that one cannot 'return' a tax number would seem at odds with the ability on the IRD's own website in your account account that allows to simply to check a checkbox indicating the tax number is no longer required and the file can be closed. Presumably this is the equivalent of informing the commissioner of the same, which is definitely something you can do. I have had that process verbally confirmed by the calls to the department. However you'll find the answer to question one may prevent you from them actioning that.

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Things to do with this request

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