Auckland Transport Parking Wardens

James Kent made this Official Information request to Auckland Transport

Response to this request is long overdue. By law Auckland Transport should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.

From: James Kent

Dear Auckland Transport,

Please advise the following information regarding your parking enforcement staff:

1. Can you please list the salary bands of parking enforcement staff, and how many staff are in each band? For example, $50,000 - 5 Officers. Names or any other identifying information are not required for the purposes of privacy.

2. How many parking enforcement staff are currently employed by Auckland Transport?

3. What is the current training regime for officers? Are they accompanied with a buddy? Or is it purely classroom or in-house? Are trainers or buddies paid at a higher rate for this?

4. When are parking enforcement staff permitted to park their vehicles in breach of the law? I see this happening quite often.

5. Please list the top 10 most productive parking enforcement staff over the past year. For the purposes of privacy, names and other identifying details are not required.

6. Please list the current attrition rate for parking enforcement staff.

7. Please list any overtime, benefits, and/or allowances parking enforcement staff are entitled to.

7. What equipment are parking enforcement staff issued for the purposes of enforcement?

Yours faithfully,

James Kent

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