We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Z Waldin please sign in and let everyone know.

GPA of Law and Accounting Students 2023

Z Waldin made this Official Information request to University of Otago

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Z Waldin to read recent responses and update the status.

From: Z Waldin

Dear University of Otago,

Could you please provide the cumulative GPA of all students who studied an LLB, Bcom with a major in Accounting in 2023. This need not exclude students who are studying a double major or have an additional minor for their Bcom. Moreover, please only provide the GPA of those students who are enrolled or have been enrolled in a 300 or 400 level law paper. This request relates to students who were enrolled at the University of Otago in 2023.

Yours faithfully,


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From: UoO - Official Information Act
University of Otago

Tēnā koe ZW

We acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act request.

We refer to your information request dated 10 June 2024 made under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act).

Would it be possible to please clarify your request? You have requested " the cumulative GPA of all students who studied an LLB, Bcom with a major in Accounting in 2023. This need not exclude students who are studying a double major or have an additional minor for their Bcom. Moreover, please only provide the GPA of those students who are enrolled or have been enrolled in a 300 or 400 level law paper. This request relates to students who were enrolled at the University of Otago in 2023."

Are you interested in the cumulative GPA for all students who pursued an LLB or a BCom with a major in Accounting who are either enrolled or have completed a 300 or 400 level law paper; and would like us to include students who are studying a double major or have an additional minor for their BCom?

Alternatively, if there is something else you are interested in, it would be appreciated if you could please clarify this for us.

We will wait to hear back from you before we continue to process your request.

Ngā mihi nui

Joey Lin
Official Information and Compliance Coordinator | Kaituitui Pārongo Ōkawa me te Tautukunga
Office of the Registrar | Te Tari o Te Pouroki
University of Otago | Te Whare Wānanga o Otāgo
New Zealand|Aotearoa
Email | Īmera [University of Otago request email]

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From: Z Waldin

Dear UoO - Official Information Act,

Could you please provide the cumulative GPA of students who study both an LLB AND a BCom with a major in Accounting who are either enrolled in or have completed a 300-level or 400-level Law paper? This will be including students who, in their BCom have another major or minor alongside their Accounting major.

Please let me know if you need any further clarification

Yours sincerely,

Z Waldin

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From: Z Waldin

Dear UoO - Official Information Act,

Yes please, I am "interested in the cumulative GPA for all students who pursued an LLB or a BCom with a major in Accounting who are either enrolled or have completed a 300 or 400 level law paper; and would like us to include students who are studying a double major or have an additional minor for their BCom?"

Please let me know if there is any further clarification required.

Yours sincerely,

Z Waldin

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From: UoO - Official Information Act
University of Otago

Kia ora Z Waldin,

Thank you for your reply. We acknowledge receipt of your clarified Official Information Act request. Thank you for clarifying the scope of your request.

We will continue to process your clarified request. If we have any other questions or need to seek clarification on any points we will be in touch. Otherwise, we will seek to respond to your request as soon as practicable and no later than 20 working days after the date your request was clarified (by 15 July 2024). If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of an extension of this timeframe.

Ngā mihi nui

Joey Lin
Official Information and Compliance Coordinator | Kaituitui Pārongo Ōkawa me te Tautukunga
Office of the Registrar | Te Tari o Te Pouroki
University of Otago | Te Whare Wānanga o Otāgo
New Zealand|Aotearoa
Email | Īmera [University of Otago request email]

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From: UoO - Official Information Act
University of Otago

Attachment ZW OIA Response 12 July 2024.pdf
326K Download View as HTML

Attachment ZW OIA Data.xlsx
9K Download View as HTML

Tēnā koe ZW

Please see attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 10 June 2024 (clarified 13 and 16 June).

Ngā mihi

Kelsey Kennard (she/her)
Official Information and Compliance Coordinator | Kaituitui Pārongo Ōkawa me te Tautukunga

University of Otago | Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka
Office of the Registrar and Secretary to the Council | Te Tari o Te Pouroki me te Kaituhi ki te Kaunihera

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Z Waldin please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

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