Contract for disposal of Covid vaccines
Catherine Jamieson made this Official Information request to Health New Zealand
The request was partially successful.
From: Catherine Jamieson
Dear Health New Zealand,
What are, or have, been the contracted waste disposal company/companies contracted to retrieve and dispose of Covid vaccines that have been distributed to provider sites? If the contract is or has been held by different companies please list and identify what dates or locations the contract applies or applied.
What entity has the contract for doses that were wasted at the DHL or Healthcare Logistics wasted at the warehouse? What is the process when this occurs? Does the process merge with disposal of vaccines that have been distributed to provider sites?
In what region(s) are the secure landfill sites where the vaccine packaging and product are buried?
Yours faithfully,
Catherine Jamieson
From: hnzOIA
Tēnā koe,
Thank you for contacting Health NZ, Te Whatu Ora. This is an automatic
reply to confirm that we have received your email. Depending on the
nature of your request you may not receive a response for up to 20 working
days. We will try to respond to your query as quickly as possible.
Ngā mihi
Health NZ, Te Whatu Ora.
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From: hnzOIA
Kia ora Catherine,
Thank you for your request for information regarding the Contract for
disposal of Covid vaccines on 7 August 2024. Please find attached our
response to your request.
If you have any questions, please get in touch at
[1][email address].
If you are not happy with this response, you have the right to make a
complaint to the Ombudsman. Information about how to do this is available
at [2] or by phoning 0800 802 602.
Ngā mihi,
Government Services
[3][email address]
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora
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Visible links
1. mailto:[Health New Zealand request email]
2. file:///tmp/foiextract20240904-35-1elhknl#
3. mailto:[email address]
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence