Kaitaia College Board Information
Duncan Cordes made this Official Information request to Kaitaia College
Response to this request is long overdue. By law Kaitaia College should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.
From: Duncan Cordes
Dear Kaitaia College,
Can you please provide:
1) The Names of members the Kaitaia College's board of trustees as at 19/08/2024
2) A copy of all documents, presentations, emails or other relevant information provided to parents, including any prospective candidate summaries or overview information.
3) A copy of all documents, presentations, emails, guidelines or other relevant information provided to prospective Board of Trustee candidates.
4) A copy of all documents, presentations, emails, guidelines or other relevant information to successful Board of Trustees following their election to the Board of Trustee.
5) Details of any payments, stipends or other forms of renumeration paid to the current Board of Trustee's.
6) The total amount paid to each each Board of Trustee member for the current term.
7) A summary of when each Board Meeting has been held over the current term, was in attendance and whether or not their attendance was physical or virtual via such methods as Zoom.
8) The Election results from the last Board of Trustee election.
Yours faithfully,
Duncan Cordes
From: Louise Anaru
Kaitaia College
Tena koe Duncan
I am emailing to request confirmation of your eligibility to make
an OIA request. Please provide confirmation.
Naku noa, Louise Anaru (Principal)
show quoted sections
From: Duncan Cordes
Dear Louise Anaru,
I can confirm that as per Part 2, S12.1 of the New Zealand Official Information Act 1982 that I am meet the requirements to request information under this Act.
Yours sincerely,
Duncan Cordes
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence