Decision to not pedestrianise Mercury Lane
Isaac Morrison made this Official Information request to Auckland Transport
The request was successful.
From: Isaac Morrison
Dear Auckland Transport,
Pursuant to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, I am requesting the following information related to Auckland Transport's recent decision not to fully pedestrianise Mercury Lane around the new Karangahape City Rail Link station entrance when it opens in 2026:
1. Please provide the detailed reasoning, evidence and analysis that led Auckland Transport to decide against fully pedestrianising Mercury Lane from the outset, despite 68% overall public support and only 26% opposition in the consultation (as reported in your Karanga-a-Hape Station Neighbourhood Improvements Engagement Feedback & Recommended Decisions Report). This should include, but is not limited to:
a) Any reports, memos, presentations or other documents discussing the pedestrianisation proposal and the consultation results.
b) Meeting minutes where this decision was discussed and made.
c) Correspondence with local residents, businesses and property owners on Mercury Lane regarding their views.
d) Any research or case studies considered on the impacts of pedestrianisation on businesses, foot traffic, safety etc.
2. What are the estimated financial implications of not fully pedestrianising Mercury Lane now prior to the CRL station opening, versus potentially doing so at a later unspecified date? Please provide cost estimates and analysis.
3. How does Auckland Transport justify going against the majority of public feedback, both overall (68% support vs 20% oppose) and from the local Karangahape area (44% support vs 32% oppose), in making this decision?
4. What specific concerns from "directly affected residents, businesses and property owners" (as referenced in AT's Engagement Report) led to overriding the majority public and local support for immediate pedestrianisation?
5. How will Auckland Transport ensure a safe, accessible and appealing environment for the thousands of pedestrians expected to use Mercury Lane to access the CRL station, without full pedestrianisation from the outset?
6. Please provide any internal reports, memos, data analysis or other documents detailing Auckland Transport's own findings and recommendations regarding the Mercury Lane pedestrianisation proposal, including but not limited to:
a) Pedestrian modelling, safety assessments, and accessibility reviews of the proposed pedestrian mall.
b) Assessments of the pedestrian mall's alignment with strategic plans and policies such as the City Centre Masterplan and Vision Zero.
c) Any cost-benefit analysis, business case, or economic impact assessment of pedestrianising Mercury Lane now versus later.
d) Internal correspondence and meeting minutes discussing the timing and phasing of the Mercury Lane changes.
7. The Engagement Report notes a final decision on Mercury Lane will be made by the Auckland Transport Traffic Control Committee. Please provide:
a) The date this decision is scheduled to be made.
b) Any reports, presentations or other materials that will be provided to the Committee to inform their decision.
c) Confirmation of whether the public can attend or speak at this meeting.
Please provide all information in an accessible, searchable electronic format. I look forward to receiving your response as soon as possible and within the 20 working day statutory timeframe.
Yours faithfully,
Isaac Morrison
From: AT Official Information (AT)
Auckland Transport
Kia ora Isaac,
Auckland Transport (AT) acknowledges receipt of your request for official
information dated 3 Setpember 2024 for detailed reasoning, evidence and
analysis on decision to not pedestrianise Mercury Lane.
We hope to respond to your request as soon as possible, but no later than
1^st of October 2024, which is 20 working days after the day your request
was received. If we aren’t able to respond to your request by then, we
will notify you of an extension of that timeframe.
Your case is being managed by Ashleigh, who is one of our LGOIMA Business
partners. If you have any further queries, you can contact the team on
(09) 355 3553 during business hours, quoting Local Government Official
Information request number CAS-971358-L2T3F4.
Ngā mihi,
Customer Care Coordinator
Customer and Network Performance Division
Auckland Transport
20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue, Auckland 1010
show quoted sections
From: AT Official Information (AT)
Auckland Transport
Kia ora Isaac,
Official information request (Case CAS-971358-L2T3F4)
I refer to your official information request made on 3 September 2024
regarding Mercury Lane.
The Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act requires that
we advise you of our decision on your request no later than 20 working
days after the day we received your request.
Unfortunately, it will not be possible to meet that time limit and we are
therefore writing to notify you of an extension of the time to make our
decision, to 14 October 2024.
This extension is necessary because your request necessitates a search
through a large quantity of information.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available
at [1] or freephone 0800 802 602.
If you have any further questions or queries, please feel free to let me
|Nga mihi, |
| |
|Ashleigh | LGOIMA Business Partner |
|Customer Care Engagement | Customer Experience |
|Auckland Transport |
|20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue, Auckland 1010 |
|[2] |
Important notice: The contents of this email and any attachments may be
confidential and subject to legal privilege. If you have received this
email message in error please notify us immediately and erase all copies
of the message and attachments; any use, disclosure or copying of this
message or attachments is prohibited. Any views expressed in this email
may be those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect the
views of Auckland Transport.
Visible links
From: AT Official Information (AT)
Auckland Transport
Kia ora Isaac
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
On 3 September 2024 you asked for for detailed reasoning, evidence and
analysis on decision to not pedestrianise Mercury Lane.
I have attached a response from Suresh Patel.
The requested files are too large to attach to this email. I have upload
these to a SharePoint link, however, I do need an email address to provide
access to these files. Could you please email
[1]at[Auckland Transport request email] with your email address and we will
provide you with access link to the files.
Should you believe that we have not dealt with your request appropriately,
you are able to make a complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman in
accordance with section 27(3) of the LGOIMA Act and seek an investigation
and review in regard to this matter.
You can contact the Ombudsman at [2] or
freephone 0800 802 602.
If you have any further queries, simply reply to this email leaving the
subject line as it is. We’ll make sure this information is added to your
Ngā mihi
LGOIMA Business Partner
Auckland Transport
20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue, Auckland 1010
Important notice: The contents of this email and any attachments may be
confidential and subject to legal privilege. If you have received this
email message in error please notify us immediately and erase all copies
of the message and attachments; any use, disclosure or copying of this
message or attachments is prohibited. Any views expressed in this email
may be those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect the
views of Auckland Transport.
Visible links
1. mailto:at[Auckland Transport request email]
2. file:///tmp/
3. file:///tmp/
J Turner left an annotation ()
Hi Isaac,
Seconding the above request for an upload. Google Drive or similar would be great.
shocking to read the main reason for this seems to be the threat of an environment court case.
Isaac Morrison left an annotation ()
Hi there, I fully intend to post it once I have received the share file.
I completely agree it is shocking that it sound like mayor is part of that group. It is so frustrating that one group can threaten legal action to the cost of everyone else.
Isaac Morrison left an annotation ()
I have posted the google drive down bellow hopefully it has worked I would obviously read the LOGIMA reply first follow by the Mercury Lane operations. Then I would read "roject K - CRM:022580000556; CAS-938560-Z5V0K5 email" as stated in the LOGIMA reply also read from the end first the start is the latest interactions bottom being first. I would then go to the RE_18.03.2024, followed by the meetings in chronological order the rest however you want. Feel free or don't to do that however I find reading in that order provided the clearest picture of what happened. In summery it's just because of George court apartments, they want to be able to drive onto K-road from Mercury Ln, park on it, basically not have to change how they currently live also it would "mask the beauty" of the street apparently. They complained and when it looked like AT wasn't going to do what they wanted, they threatened legal action.
Here is the google drive:
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
Andrew Walters left an annotation ()
Hi Isaac,
Sounds like they are going to send you a *private* link.
When you get the Sharepoint data, can you re-upload somewhere, and share a public link to that? I am (and I'm sure others are) quite interested in the data and reasoning.
Link to this