Overseas investment decision for case 201900304 - Inner Mongolia Rider Horse Industry (NZ) Limited

Nick Coyle made this Official Information request to Land Information New Zealand

The request was successful.

From: Nick Coyle

Dear Land Information New Zealand,

Could I please have access to copies of all information you hold in relation to Overseas investment decision for case 201900304 - Inner Mongolia Rider Horse Industry (NZ) Limited.

Yours faithfully,

Nick Coyle

Link to this

From: Ministerial Support
Land Information New Zealand

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Tēnā koe Nick,


Thank you for your official information request received on Tuesday, 17
September 2024.


You can expect a response to your request as soon as possible, and no
later than Tuesday, 15 October 2024, which is 20 working days after Toitū
Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand received your request.


Please note, the response to your request, with your personal details
withheld, and any attached documentation may be published on the Toitū Te
Whenua website. Confirmation of whether we intend to publish the response
will be conveyed when we respond to your request.


Ngā mihi nui


Thomas Baird


Business Specialist | Matanga Pakihi

Ministerial and Government Services

Strategy, Policy and Design


[1][email address] | DDI 04-460 2741


  Wellington Office, Level 5, Radio New Zealand House, 155 The
[2][IMG] PO Box 5501, Wellington 6145, New Zealand

[3]www.linz.govt.nz | [4]data.linz.govt.nz


[5][IMG]          [6][IMG]          [7][IMG]          [8][IMG]







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From: Ministerial Support
Land Information New Zealand

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Good morning

Thank you for your Official Information Act request.

I suggest that in an endeavour to provide you with a timely response, we
at least initially, provide you with a copy of the Overseas Investment
Assessment Report which sets out:

o Details of the applicants proposed investment and their claimed
benefits under the statutory criteria of the Overseas Investment Act.
o Our assessment of the claimed benefits.
o The decision maker’s decision on the application.
o A summary of any third-party submissions that may have been received.

Then once you have had the opportunity to review the Assessment Report you
would be welcome to request any further documentation that you may wish to


Please confirm that our proposed approach to your request is acceptable.


Ngâ mihi nui


Thomas Baird


Business Specialist | Matanga Pakihi

Ministerial and Government Services

Strategy, Policy and Design


[1][email address]


  Wellington Office, Level 5, Radio New Zealand House, 155 The
[2][IMG] PO Box 5501, Wellington 6145, New Zealand

[3]www.linz.govt.nz | [4]data.linz.govt.nz


[5][IMG]          [6][IMG]          [7][IMG]          [8][IMG]







From: Ministerial Support
Sent: Wednesday, 18 September 2024 9:11 am
To: Nick Coyle <[FYI request #28416 email]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Overseas investment decision
for case 201900304 - Inner Mongolia Rider Horse Industry (NZ) Limited


Tçnâ koe Nick,


Thank you for your official information request received on Tuesday, 17
September 2024.


You can expect a response to your request as soon as possible, and no
later than Tuesday, 15 October 2024, which is 20 working days after Toitû
Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand received your request.


Please note, the response to your request, with your personal details
withheld, and any attached documentation may be published on the Toitû Te
Whenua website. Confirmation of whether we intend to publish the response
will be conveyed when we respond to your request.


Ngâ mihi nui


Thomas Baird


Business Specialist | Matanga Pakihi

Ministerial and Government Services

Strategy, Policy and Design


[9][email address] | DDI 04-460 2741


  Wellington Office, Level 5, Radio New Zealand House, 155 The
[10][IMG] PO Box 5501, Wellington 6145, New Zealand

[11]www.linz.govt.nz | [12]data.linz.govt.nz


[14][IMG]          [15][IMG]          [16][IMG]






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From: Nick Coyle

Dear Ministerial Support,

I accept your proposed approach.

Yours sincerely,

Nick Coyle

Link to this

From: Ministerial Support
Land Information New Zealand


Good morning

Thank you Nick, we will endeavour to provide you this response as soon as we can.

Ng+AQE- mihi nui

Thomas Baird

Business Specialist +AHw- Matanga Pakihi
Ministerial and Government Services
Strategy, Policy and Design

tbaird+AEA-linz.govt.nz +AHw- DDI 04-460 2741

Wellington Office, Level 5, Radio New Zealand House, 155 The Terrace
PO Box 5501, Wellington 6145, New Zealand
http://www.linz.govt.nz/ +AHw- data.linz.govt.nz


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Link to this

From: Ministerial Support
Land Information New Zealand

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Attachment DOIA 25 077 Response Letter.pdf
199K Download View as HTML

Attachment 2024 08 21 201900304 Assessment Report Redacted.pdf
12.8M Download View as HTML


Hi Nick


Attached is a response to your Official Information Act request.


Kind regards


Pete Hill
Senior Business Partner / Hoa Kōtui Pakihi Matua

Ministerial and Government Services


[1][email address] | DDI 04 460 2784 | MOB 027 235 8389



  Wellington Office, Level 7, Radio New Zealand
House, 155 The Terrace
[2]Toitu Te Whenua colour PO Box 5501, Wellington 6145, New Zealand
[3]www.linz.govt.nz | [4]data.linz.govt.nz


[5]link to facebook          [6]link to
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Twitter          [8]Link to YouTube





From: Ministerial Support
Sent: Wednesday, 18 September 2024 9:11 am
To: Nick Coyle <[FOI #28416 email]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Overseas investment decision
for case 201900304 - Inner Mongolia Rider Horse Industry (NZ) Limited


Tēnā koe Nick,


Thank you for your official information request received on Tuesday, 17
September 2024.


You can expect a response to your request as soon as possible, and no
later than Tuesday, 15 October 2024, which is 20 working days after Toitū
Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand received your request.


Please note, the response to your request, with your personal details
withheld, and any attached documentation may be published on the Toitū Te
Whenua website. Confirmation of whether we intend to publish the response
will be conveyed when we respond to your request.


Ngā mihi nui


Thomas Baird


Business Specialist | Matanga Pakihi

Ministerial and Government Services

Strategy, Policy and Design


[9][email address] | DDI 04-460 2741


  Wellington Office, Level 5, Radio New Zealand House, 155 The
[10][IMG] PO Box 5501, Wellington 6145, New Zealand

[11]www.linz.govt.nz | [12]data.linz.govt.nz


[14][IMG]          [15][IMG]          [16][IMG]






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From: Nick Coyle

Thank you Thomas,

Kind regards,

Nick Coyle

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Things to do with this request

Land Information New Zealand only: