MSD Guidance Re: Letters branding

Miss W. Forest made this Official Information request to Privacy Commissioner

Privacy Commissioner did not have the information requested.

From: Miss W. Forest

Dear Privacy Commissioner,

I am seeking the guidance document or opinion otherwise issued to either Ministry of Social Development or the associated Minister ("MSD") outlining the Privacy Commissioner response to MSD seeking guidance for the use of publicly visible branding on it's letters associated with it's clients. These letters are where the clients cannot effectively opt out or not able to refuse to provide their address in order to receive benefits.

If this guidance document does not exist please let me know -

I nonetheless believe it does. Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Miss W. Forest

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From: OIA
Privacy Commissioner

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Tçnâ koe


Please find attached the Privacy Commissioner’s response to your official
information request re guidance on visible branding.



Aku mihi


Sharyn Leonard

Executive Assistant (Legal) | Kaiwhakahaere Mâtâmua - Ture


Office of the Privacy Commissioner  Te Mana Mâtâpono Matatapu
PO Box 10094, The Terrace, Wellington 6143 

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From: Miss W. Forest

Dear OIA,

Re: MSD Guidance Re: Letters branding

This was very helpful thank you - have a great weekend!

Yours sincerely,

Miss W. Forest

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Miss W. Forest left an annotation ()

They did not have the information but helpful response nonetheless:

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We have refused your request under section 18(e) of the OIA on the basis that the document alleged to contain the information requested does not exist or, despite reasonable efforts to locate it, cannot be found.

We note there are a number of case notes on our website which address the issue of agency details contained on envelopes:

• Case Note 23067 [2003] NZPrivCmr 23: Patient objects to receiving X-rays in envelope with label indicating contents.

• Case Note 35433 [2003] NZPrivCmr 17: Addressee objects to Community Probation Service's details on envelope.

• Case Note 68858 [2005] NZPrivCmr 3: Prisoners object to Department of Corrections stamping outgoing mail with name of prison.

• Case Note 203014 [2009] NZPrivCmr 8: Stamp on envelope identified woman's health condition.

While these do not relate to MSD, we hope you find them useful in showing the Privacy Commissioner’s past approach to these matters.

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Things to do with this request

Privacy Commissioner only: