ED Heart or Chest Pain - By Age and COVID Dose - expand HNZ00061156

Chris Johnston made this Official Information request to Health New Zealand

Currently waiting for a response from Health New Zealand, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Chris Johnston

Dear Health New Zealand,

Please expand on Health NZ’s previous response to OIA HNZ00061156 by breaking the numbers down into Age Range and number of doses of any COVID vaccine received by the person at the date/time of arrival at the Emergency Dept.

The response should be in a machine readable format - in a csv or Excel format is acceptable.

To recap, the original OIA read: ‘ The number of people under the age of 40 presenting to Emergency departments throughout
NZ hospitals with Chest pain or heart issues for the years 2017 to 2024 ? (Please provide figures year by year)’

Further breakdown requested in this OIA:
1) Age Ranges - under 40, 40 to 65 inclusive, over 65

2) Doses - 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7+

3) Where a person had multiple visits to an Emergency Dept in a year please provide two columns - a total count and a unique count of NHI numbers.

Cell obfuscation:

a) Where a cell is <5 people please populate this with "<5" for confidentiality.

b) True zero cells should be shown - as zero and not marked as <5.

Please do consult as early as possible if there are any issues or questions. This a distinct OIA from my previous ones as it breaks down another person’s OIA and is in the public’s interest that it be responded to separately.

This is similar in intensity and effort to previous OIAs for data that Health NZ has successfully responded to. It may require linking the hospital dataset to the pay per dose/immunisation database via the NHI Number - or your data warehouses (eg Snowflake) may have already structured the required dataset - eg for safety monitoring and alarming.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Johnston

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From: hnzOIA

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Ngā mihi


Health NZ, Te Whatu Ora.

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Things to do with this request

Health New Zealand only: