Age Profile of NZ Population without COVID shot (Unvaccinated) over time - Sept 2024 Update

Chris Johnston made this Official Information request to Health New Zealand

Currently waiting for a response from Health New Zealand, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Chris Johnston

Dear Health New Zealand,

Please provide a machine readable dataset in csv/Excel format that shows the total number of people by age and gender that are unvaccinated with any COVID shot from 1 Jan 2020 through to the present day as at the end of each calendar month.

The columns of the dataset would be expected to include:
1) Date: Date at the end of the month with the earliest date being 31 Jan 2020. That is the first year of data will give a baseline of variation by month that subsequent years that included the vaccination programme can be compared to.

2) Age: Age from birth as at the end of the month. 0 is the age up to 364 days, 1 is from 1 year to 1 year and 364 days etc. The highest age category should be 100+

3) Gender: Male/Female/Unknown or Other

4) Number of People: Count of the population of people under the care/enrolled in the NZ public health system who are unvaccinated with any dose of any of the COVID vaccines. The number in this column will change based on the variation in the enrolled population, the aging of the unvaccinated each month, deaths, and by the number of people transferring into the "COVID vaccinated" group.

Once a query has been written for one month, it should be able to be rerun for each subsequent month on a programmed loop - minimising the effort involved. The code for this OIA has previously been written for a previous OIA by HealthNZ.

Cell obfuscation:
a) Where a cell is <5 people please populate this with "<5" for confidentiality. 
b) True zero cells should be shown - or at least not included in the dataset and not marked as <5. Please state which method has been used.

Please do consult as early as possible if there are any issues or questions.

This is similar in intensity and effort to previous OIAs for data that Health NZ has successfully responded to. A full history is being requested as some cell values may have changed as HealthNZ cleans up its data (eg where a gender is now known but was unknown when a previous OIA was fulfilled).

Yours faithfully,

Chris Johnston

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From: hnzOIA

Tēnā koe, 


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Ngā mihi


Health NZ, Te Whatu Ora.

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Things to do with this request

Health New Zealand only: