Manukau Harbour Feasibility Study

Tony Boyle made this Official Information request to Ministry of Transport

The request was partially successful.

From: Tony Boyle

Dear Ministry of Transport,

In February 2023 and, after running a tender process on the Government Electronic Tenders Service (GETS), the Ministry of Transport appointed the engineering firm Tonkin & Taylor to undertake a technical feasibility study on the Manukau Harbour. This was allocated a budget of c.3 million dollars. In awarding the contract the MOT stated that the study is expected to be completed in 12 months. According to this schedule the report is now c.9 months late. It is understood that there were difficulties completing the peer review but this has now been completed. Could you please advise
1) Current status of this report
2) When the final report will be released.

Yours faithfully,
Tony Boyle

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From: Callum Gill
Ministry of Transport

Hi Tony

Thank you for your email regarding the Manukau Harbour Technical Feasibility Study. The Ministry received a final report from Tonkin & Taylor several months ago which is currently in front of Ministers for their consideration. We intend to publicly release the report and our Ministerial briefing on our website once Ministers have had the chance to fully consider these documents. Unfortunately we cannot give a specific timeframe, but our intent is for these documents to go live as soon as possible.

Kind Regards

Callum Gill
Senior Adviser – Maritime & Freight
Te Manatû Waka Ministry of Transport

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From: Tony Boyle

Dear Callum Gill,
Unfortunately this is not a useful response.
It will soon be a full year since this report was scheduled to be completed. Even allowing for an average amount of slippage the delay is far from helpful. There are a number of interested parties who have an interest in this report. Unfortunately it appears that those responsible within the MOT either are not aware of how it fits into the Upper North Is port study or do not have the experience to understand the importance of this tax payer funded piece of research.

Yours sincerely,

Tony Boyle

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From: Callum Gill
Ministry of Transport

I no longer work at the Minstry of Transport. Please contact Marian
Willberg [email address]

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J Turner left an annotation ()

Hi Tony,
I think this would be worth sending to the Ombudsman. There is no reason for them to withhold the final report, and it has been completed for long enough now.

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Things to do with this request

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