National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited

A public authority, also called NIWA

42 requests
Dear Kevin, Please find attached the response from GNS Science to your Official Information Act request transferred in part by NIWA. Anna Jellie (she...
Has NIWA Misled Parliament?: Climate agency feels the heat after OIA dump
Has NIWA Misled Parliament?: Climate agency feels the heat after OIA dump
Kia ora T Dobbie Attached is the information you are seeking. The first attachment contains the number of days (by month) with temperatures over 25 d...
Kia ora Kevin, Thank you for your OIA request. We respond as follows. We have found no correspondence between NIWA and Future Buller since July 2021....
Kia ora Paddy, Thank you for your OIA request. We respond as follows. 1. What NIWA business was being conducted at the Lake Wanaka boat ramp or on La...
Change of Measuring Equipment from Manual to Electronic Reported for administrator attention.
For your information sunshine was recorded at this station until at least 2006 since the 1850s. The station was a key station for meteorological dat...
Kia ora T   CliFlo does show sunshine hours but it is recorded at fewer stations compared to rainfall or temperature. Christchurch Botanical Garde...
Towing amount Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Kalan, Thank you for your OIA request and the further clarification of your request. We respond as follows. 1. How much do the boats weigh th...
Kia ora Chris Thank you for your OIA request. Please find below information on our boats and vessels. The final column is the length of the boats in m...
Dear J Wilson,   Please find attached our response to your OIA request which was partially transferred to us by NIWA.   Ngā mihi, Christophe...
Kia ora Kevin, Thank you for your OIA request dated 18 December 2023. Please see attached correspondence between NIWA and the Buller District Council...
Kia ora Chris, Thank you for your OIA request. We respond as follows. Attached the pdfs showing all projects completed by Bodeker Scientific that NIW...
Kia ora Steven, The methodology is fully described in the World Weather Attribution report which is publicly available. Ngā mihi, Caroline
Kia ora John Luke, Thank you for your OIA request. We are refusing your request on the grounds of commercial sensitivity section 9(2)(i). Please note...
Kia ora Steven, Thank you for your request. Please see our response as to your request for official information below. I am requesting all documents...
Kia ora Steven, Thank you for your request. Please see our responses as to your request for official information below. 1. I request all emails, text...
Kia ora Susan, Thank you for your request. See our response below. 1: Has Tanagroa ever deployed a large metal buoy in the Tasman or its northern edg...
Kia ora Steven, Please see below our responses to your request received on 10 March. ‘Can NIWA release to me any data on historical trends that indic...
Thank you for your reply. If I want copies any specific report, I may followup with a further request. Have a good weekend. Yours sincerely,...
Dear Tim, Thank you for your below request. ‘Can you please send a list of current monitoring projects in Raukumara and any planned projects you ha...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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