HSFY 2025 initial professional program admissions

Zoe made this Official Information request to University of Otago

The request was refused by University of Otago.

From: Zoe

Dear University of Otago,

I am requesting the following information for HSFY general category, domestic applicants in EACH of the 5 professional programs commencing 2025.(BDS, MBChB, BMLSc, BPharm, BPhty)

1. The minimum and median grade average to secure a first round offer.
2. The number of first round offers granted
3. The minimum and median grade average to secure a place on the waitlist
4. The number of waitlist spots granted

Yours faithfully,


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From: UoO - Official Information Act
University of Otago

Tçnâ koe Zoe

I acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act request below dated 19 December 2024.

If we have any further questions or need to seek further clarification on any points, we will be in touch soon. Otherwise, we will seek to respond to your request as soon as practicable and no later than 20 working days after the date your request was received (by 10 February 2025). Please note that “working days” is as defined in the Act and excludes public holidays and the period between 25 December and 15 January.

If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of an extension of this timeframe.

Ngâ mihi nui

Bill Frewen (he/him)
Manager Policy and Compliance | Kaiwhakahaere Kaupapa Here mete Tikaka Mahi

Office of the Registrar and Secretary to the Council | Te Tari o Te Pouroki me te Kaituhi ki te Kaunihera University of Otago | Ôtâkou Whakaihu Waka

Email | Îmera [University of Otago request email]

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From: UoO - Official Information Act
University of Otago

Attachment Zoe OIA response.pdf
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Tēnā koe Zoe

Please see attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 18 December 2024.

Ngā mihi

Bill Frewen
Manager Policy and Compliance | Kaiwhakahaere Kaupapa Here mete Tikaka Mahi

Office of the Registrar and Secretary to the Council | Te Tari o Te Pouroki me te Kaituhi ki te Kaunihera University of Otago | Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka

Email | Īmera [University of Otago request email]

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Things to do with this request

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