Request for international of AEWV skill level 4 & 5
Ruvini made this Official Information request to Christopher Luxon
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Ruvini to read recent responses and update the status.
From: Ruvini
Dear Christopher Luxon,
Hon Prime Minister in Newzeland..
Sir , I Ruvini from Sri Lanka. We had sent tons of emails to you by requesting our matter.Unfortunately we didn't get any response for that..My little daugher sent you by explaining the reason why she needs your support. Hon Christopher luxon sir, we are waiting for the Rule change by immigration which they had changed last year suddenly. After the suddenly rule change now AEWV skill level 4 & 5 workers are not allow to bring their family..Sir When my husband being ready with the relevant documents which need for to visas of our , the immgration of NZ changed it..Now we are in a huge troubles. I have a daughter. Now we are alone here..we need our family to be together to support each others and gave protection and healty life with good and happy mentality to our child..For 2025 immgration of NZ make big change for many things..We expected as a great leader of NZ government Excellency you may able to change the rule..Unfortunately it does not work..Please sir, we know as a great leader of a wonderful country always you humanely think about your international workers ..We trust you will definitely do it..Its really hurt our life now..And our child needs her father's love and protection. He also be healthy & happy worker when his family is with him other families ..So think and do the best for this sir..We hope you can do this .This is kind request of helpless people..You will understand plight of our condition..Please consider this..We had sent many emails and messages to Hon Erica Stanford mam by requesting this..Still we didnt get any good comment..Please sir be kind enough to refer this matter..Thank you..
Yours faithfully,
Ruvini and Desandi
Kia ora Ruvini and Desandi,
Thank you for reaching out to the Prime Minister, Rt Hon Christopher Luxon. He appreciates people taking the time to share their feedback, concerns and ideas.
Please be assured your concerns have been noted. As the Prime Minister, he relies on his colleagues to respond on his behalf to specific matters relating to their portfolios. As such, I have forwarded your email onto the office of the Associate Minister for Immigration, Hon Chris Penk, for their consideration.
Thank you once again for taking the time to write and for your patience; it is very much appreciated.
Ngā mihi nui
Sonya Ford
Correspondence Lead Advisor | Office of Rt Hon Christopher Luxon
Prime Minister
Minister for National Security and Intelligence
Minister Responsible for Ministerial Services
Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand
-----Original Message-----
From: Ruvini <[FOI #29832 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 21 January 2025 7:27 PM
To: Christopher Luxon (MIN) <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Request for international of AEWV skill level 4 & 5
Dear Christopher Luxon,
Hon Prime Minister in Newzeland..
Sir , I Ruvini from Sri Lanka. We had sent tons of emails to you by requesting our matter.Unfortunately we didn't get any response for that..My little daugher sent you by explaining the reason why she needs your support. Hon Christopher luxon sir, we are waiting for the Rule change by immigration which they had changed last year suddenly. After the suddenly rule change now AEWV skill level 4 & 5 workers are not allow to bring their family..Sir When my husband being ready with the relevant documents which need for to visas of our , the immgration of NZ changed it..Now we are in a huge troubles. I have a daughter. Now we are alone here..we need our family to be together to support each others and gave protection and healty life with good and happy mentality to our child..For 2025 immgration of NZ make big change for many things..We expected as a great leader of NZ government Excellency you may able to change the rule..Unfortunately it does not work..Please sir, we know as a great
leader of a wonderful country always you humanely think about your international workers ..We trust you will definitely do it..Its really hurt our life now..And our child needs her father's love and protection. He also be healthy & happy worker when his family is with him other families ..So think and do the best for this sir..We hope you can do this .This is kind request of helpless people..You will understand plight of our condition..Please consider this..We had sent many emails and messages to Hon Erica Stanford mam by requesting this..Still we didnt get any good comment..Please sir be kind enough to refer this matter..Thank you..
Yours faithfully,
Ruvini and Desandi
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
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From: Nicole Campbell
Kia ora Ruvini and Desandi,
Thank you for your email to the Rt Hon Chris Luxon, Prime Minister, dated 21 January 2025. It has been forwarded to the Office of Hon Chris Penk, Associate Minister of Immigration, for reply.
It is not the Minister’s intention to consider requests where an individual is requesting an exception to the removal of the ability for partners and dependent children of most AEWV holders in ANZSCO level 4 or 5 roles to obtain visas based on their relationship to the AEWV holder. Therefore, the Minister will not be reviewing this matter.
Your family is welcome to explore their eligibility for an alternative visa with Immigration New Zealand:
Please be aware that sections 378 and 11 of the Immigration Act 2009 place no requirement on the Minister to consider your request.
Kind Regards,
Nicole Campbell
Private Secretary – Associate Immigration | Office of Hon Chris Penk
Minister for Building and Construction
Minister for Land Information
Minister for Small Business and Manufacturing
Minister for Veterans
Associate Minister of Defence
Associate Minister of Immigration
Email: [email address]
Website: www.Beehive,
Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand
-----Original Message-----
From: Sonya Ford <[email address]> On Behalf Of Christopher Luxon
Sent: Monday, 3 February 2025 1:54 PM
To: 'Ruvini' <[FOI #29832 email]>
Cc: Chris Penk (MIN) <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Request for international of AEWV skill level 4 & 5
Kia ora Ruvini and Desandi,
Thank you for reaching out to the Prime Minister, Rt Hon Christopher Luxon. He appreciates people taking the time to share their feedback, concerns and ideas.
Please be assured your concerns have been noted. As the Prime Minister, he relies on his colleagues to respond on his behalf to specific matters relating to their portfolios. As such, I have forwarded your email onto the office of the Associate Minister for Immigration, Hon Chris Penk, for their consideration.
Thank you once again for taking the time to write and for your patience; it is very much appreciated.
Ngâ mihi nui
Sonya Ford
Correspondence Lead Advisor | Office of Rt Hon Christopher Luxon Prime Minister Minister for National Security and Intelligence Minister Responsible for Ministerial Services
Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand
-----Original Message-----
From: Ruvini <[FOI #29832 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 21 January 2025 7:27 PM
To: Christopher Luxon (MIN) <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Request for international of AEWV skill level 4 & 5
Dear Christopher Luxon,
Hon Prime Minister in Newzeland..
Sir , I Ruvini from Sri Lanka. We had sent tons of emails to you by requesting our matter.Unfortunately we didn't get any response for that..My little daugher sent you by explaining the reason why she needs your support. Hon Christopher luxon sir, we are waiting for the Rule change by immigration which they had changed last year suddenly. After the suddenly rule change now AEWV skill level 4 & 5 workers are not allow to bring their family..Sir When my husband being ready with the relevant documents which need for to visas of our , the immgration of NZ changed it..Now we are in a huge troubles. I have a daughter. Now we are alone here..we need our family to be together to support each others and gave protection and healty life with good and happy mentality to our child..For 2025 immgration of NZ make big change for many things..We expected as a great leader of NZ government Excellency you may able to change the rule..Unfortunately it does not work..Please sir, we know as a great
leader of a wonderful country always you humanely think about your international workers ..We trust you will definitely do it..Its really hurt our life now..And our child needs her father's love and protection. He also be healthy & happy worker when his family is with him other families ..So think and do the best for this sir..We hope you can do this .This is kind request of helpless people..You will understand plight of our condition..Please consider this..We had sent many emails and messages to Hon Erica Stanford mam by requesting this..Still we didnt get any good comment..Please sir be kind enough to refer this matter..Thank you..
Yours faithfully,
Ruvini and Desandi
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #29832 email]
Is [Christopher Luxon request email] the wrong address for Official Information requests to Christopher Luxon? If so, please contact us using this form:
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If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.
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