Bendigo Ophir Mine Fast Track Approvals Act

Suze Keith made this Official Information request to Otago Regional Council

Currently waiting for a response from Otago Regional Council, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Suze Keith

Tena koe Otago Regional Council,

Could you please send me:
- any/all briefing papers / emails etc the Council has received from staff explaining the Council’s role in responding to applications under the Fast Track Approvals Act
- any/all correspondence ORC has had with Santana Minerals / Matakanui Gold about the Bendigo Ophir Mine development, including emails, meetings, phone conversations, presentations etc
- emails / papers / reports describing preparations ORC has made for the Bendigo Ophir mine application.

Nga mihi,

Suze Keith

Link to this

Things to do with this request

Otago Regional Council only: