We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are James Taylor please sign in and let everyone know.

Meetings and Correspondence with DP World

James Taylor made this Official Information request to Christchurch City Council

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for James Taylor to read recent responses and update the status.

From: James Taylor

Dear Christchurch City Council,

Please provide for me the following information from 1 October 2022 until 14 Febuary 2025,

1. Any correspondence, including social media or SMS, between the Mayor and anyone from or associated with DP World (including intermediaries or subsidiaries); and the same for Cr Sam MacDonald.

2. The Mayor’s meeting diary showing any meetings or calls (video or phone) held with anyone from or associated with DP World (including intermediaries or subsidiaries); and the same for Cr Sam MacDonald.

Yours faithfully,

James Taylor

Link to this

From: James Taylor

Dear Christchurch City Council,

I have yet to receive any acknowledgment of my request for information and would like to know that it has been received, please.

Yours faithfully,

James Taylor

Link to this

From: James Taylor

Dear Christchurch City Council,

It has been another week and no acknowledgment. Please reply so that I know you have received this and are processing my request.

Yours faithfully,

James Taylor

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From: Rainey, Sean
Christchurch City Council

Kia Ora,

Thank you for your email and apologies for not acknowledging sooner.

We are handling your request under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA). We have forwarded it to the appropriate Christchurch City Council staff, and we will provide a response or update within 20 working days of the date we received your request. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of an extension of that timeframe.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me. If any additional factors come to light which are relevant to your request, please do not hesitate to contact me so that these can be taken into account.

We will be in touch with a response no later than 14 March 2025.

Kind regards,

Sean Rainey
Manager Official Information

-----Original Message-----
From: James Taylor <[FOI #30086 email]>
Sent: Friday, 14 February 2025 10:26 am
To: Official Information <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Meetings and Correspondence with DP World

[You don't often get email from [FOI #30086 email]. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentific... ]

Dear Christchurch City Council,

Please provide for me the following information from 1 October 2022 until 14 Febuary 2025,

1. Any correspondence, including social media or SMS, between the Mayor and anyone from or associated with DP World (including intermediaries or subsidiaries); and the same for Cr Sam MacDonald.

2. The Mayor's meeting diary showing any meetings or calls (video or phone) held with anyone from or associated with DP World (including intermediaries or subsidiaries); and the same for Cr Sam MacDonald.

Yours faithfully,

James Taylor


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #30086 email]

Is [Christchurch City Council request email] the wrong address for Official Information requests to Christchurch City Council? If so, please contact us using this form:

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If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


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The views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect the views of the Christchurch City Council.
If you are not the correct recipient of this email please advise the sender and delete the email.

[Christchurch City Council logo]<https://ccc.govt.nz/>

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From: Official Information
Christchurch City Council

Kia ora James,


I refer to your request for:


Please provide for me the following information from 1 October 2022 until
14 Febuary 2025,

1. Any correspondence, including social media or SMS, between the Mayor
and anyone from or associated with DP World (including intermediaries or
subsidiaries); and the same for Cr Sam MacDonald.

2. The Mayor’s meeting diary showing any meetings or calls (video or
phone) held with anyone from or associated with DP World (including
intermediaries or subsidiaries); and the same for Cr Sam MacDonald.


Council Response

We can confirm that there have been no meetings or correspondence between
the Mayor, Phil Mauger or Councillor Sam MacDonalnd and DP World.


Therefore we have decided to refuse your request under the following
section of the LGOIMA - 17(e) – the information requested does not exist
or cannot be found


You have the right to request the Ombudsman to review this decision.
Complaints can be sent by email to [1][email address], by fax
to (04) 471 2254, or by post to The Ombudsman, PO Box 10152, Wellington


Nâku iti noa, nâ



Sean Rainey
Manager Official Information and Privacy Officer
Official Information Team

Te Ratonga Ture me te Manapori - Legal & Democratic Services

Christchurch City Council




This electronic email and any files transmitted with it are intended
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.
The views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and
may not necessarily reflect the views of the Christchurch City Council.
If you are not the correct recipient of this email please advise the
sender and delete the email.

[2]Christchurch City Council logo


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. Christchurch City Council logo

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are James Taylor please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Christchurch City Council only: