NZ Feature Film Copyright & Profits

A. Diamond made this Official Information request to New Zealand Film Commission

Currently waiting for a response from New Zealand Film Commission, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: A. Diamond

Dear the NZFC,

1. If the New Zealand Film Commission (NZFC) fully funded a NZ made feature film for $1,000,000, which people (duties: e.g., producer, director, screenwriter, executive producer(s) [signal if they likely are NZFC contractors/ employees/ affiliates], 1st lead actor, 2nd lead actor etc.)/ entities (e.g., production company, NZFC) are the the owner(s) to the copyright of that film (and what percentage of the copyright do each hold)? [Calculate based on the averages of the last ten NZ feature films the NZFC fully funded.]

2. If that same hypothetical 1 million dollar funded NZ film, then went on to recieve 5 million dollars in profits after cinemas & distributors etc.; how would that 5 million dollars be split between copyright holders and other entities in percentage terms? How much (in dollar amounts) would each of the aforementioned people with specific duties & entities recieve in this situation? [Again, calculate based on the averages of the last ten NZ feature films the NZFC fully funded.]

3. Keeping with this same hypothetical NZ film, would the NZFC likely require first recouping the production budget from profits before any distributions? So it was like a loan all along...? Out of the last 10 NZ feature films the NZFC fully funded, on how many occasions did this happen? (Include partial recuperation too, if profits were less than the production budget).

4. What was the average amount (in NZD) that the NZFC gave to produce a New Zealand made feature film (with the criteria online requiring NZ citizenship or Permanent residency for key duties etc.) that was fully funded by the NZFC? Again, calculated by averaging the last 10 feature films (with a run time of over 80 minutes & screened in at least one cinema).

Kind Regards,

Yours Faithfully,
A. Diamond

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From: A. Diamond

Dear New Zealand Film Commission,

RE: NZ Feature Film Copyright & Profits.

Just to be perfectly clear, please exclude any Documentaries from the calculations or responses.

Many thanks,

Yours Faithfully,
A. Diamond

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Things to do with this request

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