IPCA report on Policing of Public Protests
New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties made this Official Information request to Paul Goldsmith
Currently waiting for a response from Paul Goldsmith, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).
From: New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties
Dear Paul Goldsmith,
On 18 February 2025, the Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA) published a report ‘The Policing of Public Protests in New Zealand’.
In paragraph 5 of the report the IPCA stated, “We have also collaborated with the Ministry of Justice and the Department of Internal Affairs on the preparation of the main body of the report.”
The Council requests the following information under the Official Information Act:
1. All communications to and from the IPCA relating to this report, excluding anything relating to any specific complaint.
2. All analysis, assessment, consideration, formal and informal advice, recommendations, and responses developed by or communicated to you about the issues raised in the IPCA report and the recommendations made by IPCA.
3. All requests and communications by you to the Ministry of Justice to work (a) with the IPCA on the research and production of the IPCA report and (b) on matters arising from the IPCA report
4. All information recording your decisions on how to proceed regarding the recommendations made by the IPCA in its report.
5. All communications from you about the report, or how to proceed following the publication of the report, to (a) the Prime Minister, (b) either Associate Minister of Justice, (c) the Attorney General, (d) the Minister of Internal Affairs, (e) the Police, (f) Crown Law and (g) the NZ Security Intelligence Service.
Under section 16(2) of the OIA our preferences are (a) to receive a copy of the whole document (b) that the information is disclosed in a text searchable format, either Word or PDF, and (c) that it is sent to the email address from which you received this request.
If you decide that there is 'good reason' under the OIA to withhold any of the information we are requesting, then under section 19(a)(ii) of the OIA, we further request that you provide us with the grounds in support of each instance of a withholding reason cited for refusal. Guidance for agencies on how to meet their section 19(a)(ii) obligations is available from the Ombudsman at this location: https://www.ombudsman.parliament.nz/reso...
If any part of our request is unclear, please don't hesitate to contact us. A response to this request is due as soon as reasonably practicable, and in any case no later than 25 March 2025. If a large volume of information is in scope, then we are willing to discuss an extension, or to amend our request to a list of material.
Yours faithfully,
New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties
From: Paul Goldsmith (MIN)
Paul Goldsmith
Please note that this acknowledgement is an automatically generated email.
Kia ora,
Thank you for contacting Hon Paul Goldsmith, Minister of Justice, Minister
for Arts, Culture and Heritage, Minister for Media and Communications and
Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations.
Hon Paul Goldsmith considers all correspondence important and appreciates
you taking the time to write. As the Minister receives a large amount of
correspondence, it is not always possible to personally reply to all
If your correspondence is diary related, requests will be processed
If your correspondence requires a response, you can expect a response in
due course.
If your correspondence relates to another Minister's portfolio, your
correspondence will be transferred to the appropriate Minister.
If your correspondence expresses an opinion, it will be noted.
If your request relates to media, it will be referred to Minister
Goldsmith’s Press Secretary.
If you have made a request for official information then this will be
managed in accordance with the provisions of the Official Information Act
1982, which may include transfer to a more relevant Minister or agency.
Over the holiday period in December and January
there is a three-week period that doesn’t count as ‘working days’. For
Official Information Act (OIA) requests, that period is 25 December to 15
January, inclusive. That means any OIA requests submitted on 27 November
or later may take a bit longer than you
Latest information from the Beehive can be found here:
If you are concerned about someone's wellbeing, you can call your local
mental health crisis team. A full list of numbers is available here:
Thank you for the taking the time to write.
Ngâ mihi,
Office of Hon Paul Goldsmith
Minister of Justice| Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage | Minister
for Media and Communications | Minister for Treaty of Waitangi
Freepost: Private Bag 18041 | Parliament Buildings | Wellington 6011
From: Paul Goldsmith (MIN)
Paul Goldsmith
Good morning,
On behalf of Hon Paul Goldsmith, I acknowledge receipt of your official information request dated 25 February 2025, where you requested:
The Council requests the following information under the Official Information Act:
1. All communications to and from the IPCA relating to this report, excluding anything relating to any specific complaint.
2. All analysis, assessment, consideration, formal and informal advice, recommendations, and responses developed by or communicated to you about the issues raised in the IPCA report and the recommendations made by IPCA.
3. All requests and communications by you to the Ministry of Justice to work (a) with the IPCA on the research and production of the IPCA report and (b) on matters arising from the IPCA report
4. All information recording your decisions on how to proceed regarding the recommendations made by the IPCA in its report.
5. All communications from you about the report, or how to proceed following the publication of the report, to (a) the Prime Minister, (b) either Associate Minister of Justice, (c) the Attorney General, (d) the Minister of Internal Affairs, (e) the Police, (f) Crown Law and (g) the NZ Security Intelligence Service.
We received your request on 25 February 2025. We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in any event no later than 25 March 2025, being 20 working days after the day your request was received.
If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of an extension of that timeframe.
Ngā mihi,
Office of Hon Paul Goldsmith
show quoted sections
From: Paul Goldsmith (MIN)
Paul Goldsmith
Tēnā koe
I refer to your Official Information Act 1982 (Act) request of 25 February
2025 to Hon Paul Goldsmith, Minister of Justice. Specifically, you
1. All communications to and from the IPCA relating to this report,
excluding anything relating to any specific complaint.
2. All analysis, assessment, consideration, formal and informal advice,
recommendations, and responses developed by or communicated to you
about the issues raised in the IPCA report and the recommendations
made by IPCA.
3. All requests and communications by you to the Ministry of Justice to
work (a) with the IPCA on the research and production of the IPCA
report and (b) on matters arising from the IPCA report
4. All information recording your decisions on how to proceed regarding
the recommendations made by the IPCA in its report.
5. All communications from you about the report, or how to proceed
following the publication of the report, to (a) the Prime Minister,
(b) either Associate Minister of Justice, (c) the Attorney General,
(d) the Minister of Internal Affairs, (e) the Police, (f) Crown Law
and (g) the NZ Security Intelligence Service.
The information you have requested is believed to be held by the Ministry
of Justice.
This is to notify you that in accordance with section 14(b)(i) of the Act,
your request has been transferred to the Ministry of Justice to consider.
You will hear further from the Ministry directly concerning your request.
Office of Hon Paul Goldsmith
Minister for Arts Culture and Heritage | Minister of Justice
Minister for Media and Communications | Minister for Treaty of Waitangi
Ministerial Email: [1][Paul Goldsmith request email] | Web:
Freepost Parliament: Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington
6160, New Zealand
Authorised by Hon Paul Goldsmith, Parliament Buildings, Wellington
show quoted sections
From: OIA@justice.govt.nz
Tēnā koe
The Ministry of Justice (the Ministry) acknowledge receipt of your
correspondence, transferred from the Office of Hon Paul Goldsmith.
This is being combined with your correspondence that was sent to the
Ministry on 25/2/2025.
You can expect a response by 25/03/2025.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Services
Communications and Ministerial Services | Corporate Services
Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te Ture [1]justice.govt.nz
From: Paul Goldsmith (MIN) <[email address]>
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2025 1:55 PM
To: New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties
<[FOI #30214 email]>
Cc: [email address]
Subject: RE: OIAPG457 / Official Information request - IPCA report on
Policing of Public Protests
Tēnā koe
I refer to your Official Information Act 1982 (Act) request of 25 February
2025 to Hon Paul Goldsmith, Minister of Justice. Specifically, you
1. All communications to and from the IPCA relating to this report,
excluding anything relating to any specific complaint.
2. All analysis, assessment, consideration, formal and informal advice,
recommendations, and responses developed by or communicated to you
about the issues raised in the IPCA report and the recommendations
made by IPCA.
3. All requests and communications by you to the Ministry of Justice to
work (a) with the IPCA on the research and production of the IPCA
report and (b) on matters arising from the IPCA report
4. All information recording your decisions on how to proceed regarding
the recommendations made by the IPCA in its report.
5. All communications from you about the report, or how to proceed
following the publication of the report, to (a) the Prime Minister,
(b) either Associate Minister of Justice, (c) the Attorney General,
(d) the Minister of Internal Affairs, (e) the Police, (f) Crown Law
and (g) the NZ Security Intelligence Service.
The information you have requested is believed to be held by the Ministry
of Justice.
This is to notify you that in accordance with section 14(b)(i) of the Act,
your request has been transferred to the Ministry of Justice to consider.
You will hear further from the Ministry directly concerning your request.
Office of Hon Paul Goldsmith
Minister for Arts Culture and Heritage | Minister of Justice
Minister for Media and Communications | Minister for Treaty of Waitangi
Ministerial Email: [2][Paul Goldsmith request email] | Web:
Freepost Parliament: Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington
6160, New Zealand
Authorised by Hon Paul Goldsmith, Parliament Buildings, Wellington
show quoted sections
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence