Correspondence/Discussions KiwiRail has had about the business park development at Benmore Crescent, Manor Park Lower Hutt

Anne Alkema made this Official Information request to KiwiRail

Currently waiting for a response from KiwiRail, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Anne Alkema

Dear KiwiRail,

As a representative of the Manor Park and Haywards Residents Community Inc, I requested information on October 7, 2024 on any correspondence and discussions KiwiRail has had in relation to the proposed industrial business park development at Benmore Crescent, Manor Park, Lower Hutt. This includes any resource consent applications and approvals; impacts/considerations to the rail corridor; proposed changes to the level crossing on Manor Park Road; the potential acquisition of KiwiRail land to accommodate potential changes; and widening of the access ramp into Manor Park.

A response to this request was supplied on December 3, 2024 stating KiwiRail had been involved with assessments of the level crossing adjacent to Benmore Crescent. This was the only information supplied.

However we note other correspondence/discussions had been undertaken by KiwiRail as consent granted by the Hutt City Council for work to upgrade road and rail infrastructure notes, "On 20 November 2024, written approval from Michelle Grinlinton-Hancock (Manager RMA Team for KiwiRail Holdings Limited) on behalf of KiwiRail Holdings Ltd was supplied to HCC for the proposal".

Therefore we are resubmitting our original request for information on correspondence and discussions KiwiRail has had in relation to the proposed industrial business park development at Benmore Crescent, Manor Park, Lower Hutt.

Yours faithfully,

Anne Alkema

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Things to do with this request

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