Supplier list with expenditure as in the accounting software from current FY

Miss W. Forest made this Official Information request to Wellington Water Limited

Currently waiting for a response from Wellington Water Limited, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Miss W. Forest

Dear Wellington Water Limited,

Please provide the suppliers list as active in the accounting software list that are set up to receive payments from the Wellington Water or it's owned entities as subjected to Official Information Act ("OIA").

I am seeking the supplier name and NZBN.

Additionally please disclose how much of each of these have been paid during the 2024/2025 FY (or the previous equivalent financial cycled period Wellington Water uses) as actual realized expenditure incurred.

I believe this is a simple report and already available as ordinary business.

Yours faithfully,

Miss W. Forest

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Things to do with this request

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