Competetive analysis on Fulton Hogan rates

Miss W. Forest made this Official Information request to Wellington Water Limited

Currently waiting for a response from Wellington Water Limited, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Miss W. Forest

Dear Wellington Water Limited,

Please provide the:

a) analysis / independent advice received or what was evaluated upon selecting Fulton Hogan as the preferred contractor for Wellington Water.

b) The competing bids as to Fulton Hogan as the main contractor for Wellington Water.

c) The charged alleged "fair and reasonable" contracting rates Fulton Hogan has been contracted with Wellington Water for, as mentioned in the media by Fulton Hogan without supporting documents from either Wellington Water or Fulton Hogan:

--- clip news report ---

Dougherty noted the board did not have any say or involvement in the day-to-day contract administration.

A Fulton Hogan spokeswoman said the company stood by its contracting work for Wellington Water.

She said a summary of the report’s findings showed Fulton Hogan has charged rates which are “fair and reasonable”.

“AECOM noted that if anything, they appeared somewhat low.”

--- clip news report ---

d) Confirm what type of tender or competitive process Fulton Hogan underwent with these charged contracting rates and whether the tender has been re-competed annually or other time period to make these competitive.

Yours faithfully,

Miss W. Forest

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Things to do with this request

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