University of Auckland's Decision to Merge the Faculty of Law with the Faculty of Business and Economics

VG made this Official Information request to University of Auckland

Currently waiting for a response from University of Auckland, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: VG

Dear University of Auckland,

I am writing to request information under the Official Information Act 1982 regarding the proposed merger of the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Business and Economics. Specifically, I seek access to documents and communications that pertain to the decision-making process surrounding this proposal.

To ensure a comprehensive understanding of the considerations leading up to the proposal, I request copies of the following records:
- Meeting agendas, minutes, reports, and other documents from University Council meetings and subcommittees (including Finance and Strategy committees) prior to November 2024 that discuss faculty restructuring, including but not limited to the potential merger of the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Business and Economics.
- Memoranda, presentations, and meeting minutes from UEC discussions related to the merger, including any records referring to the 5 November 2024 memo by the Vice-Chancellor and earlier drafts or correspondence discussing the proposed merger.
- Any internal strategic plans, financial projections, business cases, or budget documents for 2024–2025 that reference faculty mergers or restructuring.
- Any analysis comparing merger options against maintaining the status quo, or records showing the rationale for preferring one option over another.
- Emails, letters, or other communications between senior university officials (including the Vice-Chancellor, Provost, Dean of Law, and Dean of Business) that discuss the merger prior to its public announcement.
- Any correspondence with University Council members regarding the merger before November 2024.
- Any instructions, directives, or internal guidance provided to staff regarding the merger announcement, stakeholder engagement, or responses to potential objections.
- Correspondence between the University and external stakeholders (including the Tertiary Education Commission, Ministry of Education, corporate partners, major donors, and accreditation bodies such as the Council of Legal Education) regarding the merger before the public consultation process began.
- Records related to the selection and composition of the merger Review Committee, including terms of reference, emails about the appointment of committee members, and any criteria or rationale for selecting or excluding specific individuals or groups.
- Copies of earlier drafts of the merger proposal, consultation documents, briefing notes, and FAQs, including versions prepared before the official public consultation in November 2024.
- Any reports or documents that summarised feedback from the public regarding the merger that were used to inform the decision to go forward with the merger.

If any of these records are already publicly available, I would appreciate being directed to the appropriate sources. If portions of the requested information are withheld under the Official Information Act, I kindly request that you provide the reasons for withholding and indicate whether partial disclosure is possible.

I would appreciate a response within the statutory timeframe and am happy to discuss refining my request if needed. Please confirm receipt of this request and let me know if any clarification is required.


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Things to do with this request

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