WCRC Response to Tsuanmi reporting.
Kevin Smith made this Official Information request to West Coast Regional Council
Currently waiting for a response from West Coast Regional Council, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).
From: Kevin Smith
Dear West Coast Regional Council,
Following a West Coast Emergency Management Joint Committee hearing, held in mid-February, the newspaper headlines included Tsunami possibility.
Both the Westport and Greymouth papers then covered the historical accounts of West Coast tsunami.
Sharon Hornblow was quoted as saying that both Westport and Karamea had been on the receiving end of damaging tsunamis since 1840.
This was challenged by a ratepayer, Kevin Smith, in an email exchange.
He also requested the dates of those events.
1. . . Could the WCRC please provide copies of all tsunami related discussions following this correspondence. ?
I expect this to include internal mail as well as correspondence with other agencies such as NIWA, NEMA, BDC and possibly other local councils.
2....As a matter of urgency I am requesting the dates so that they can be included in my TTPP Coastal Hazards submission in a little over one week's time.
Please provide the dates of the Karamea and Westport tsunami events.
It has been over two weeks and the emails have gone unanswered.
Yours faithfully,
Kevin Smith
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence