Details of the Christchurch South Library Repair Cost Option

P OMalley made this Official Information request to Christchurch City Council

Currently waiting for a response from Christchurch City Council, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: P OMalley

Dear Christchurch City Council,

Subject: Christchurch South Library Rebuild Option Costing

At the 4 October 2023 Council Meeting, the rebuild of the Christchurch South Library was considered and passed by the Council. At this meeting, alternatives were presented and information on the repair option provided in Section 4.8. The repair cost presented was $33,000,000 capex and $750,000 opex for a total of $33,750,000.

At an earlier community meeting held on the repair or rebuild of the Christchurch South Library, a repair cost of approximately $22,000,000 was presented, and a rebuild cost several million dollars above that repair cost. Both repair and rebuild cost estimates had risen to over $33,000,000 by the date of the Council decision.

This request is to obtain the information used to determine the repair cost budget estimate for the Christchurch City Library.

Yours faithfully,
Phil M. L. OMalley

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