Database of claims locations

Patrick Walsh made this Official Information request to Toka Tū Ake – Natural Hazards Commission

The request was partially successful.

From: Patrick Walsh

Dear Earthquake Commission,

I am doing research on insurance markets and housing. The focus is on flooding damages. I would like to request a database of claims locations, costs, and information related to flooding, ideally over the last 10 years. To better assess the resiliency of the current insurance and EQC configuration, these data would provide an excellent foundation of analysis.

Yours faithfully,

Patrick Walsh

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From: Ministerial Services Team

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Dear Mr Walsh


Thank you for your request for information received on 26 June 2017. You
requested the following of the Earthquake Commission (EQC):


‘…a database of claims locations, costs, and information related to
flooding, ideally over the last 10 years.’


Your request is being considered under the Official Information Act 1982.
You will receive a response by 24 July 2017, subject to EQC’s rights under
section 15A of the Official Information Act to extend the timeframe for
responding to your request in certain circumstances.


Yours sincerely





Advisor | Office of the Chief Executive | Earthquake Commission (EQC)  |
Komihana Ruwhenua |

[1] Toll Free 0800 326 243 | Facsimile  04 978 6431 | PO
Box 790 Wellington 6140 |


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From: Ministerial Services Team

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Dear Mr Walsh


Further to our email acknowledging receipt of your request, due to the
nature of the request, we have determined that further clarification is
required in order for EQC to provide information which will assist you in
your research. Please could you contact EQC at
[1][email address] with your direct contact details to discuss
your request further? Alternatively please call 04 978 6400 and ask to
speak to Zoe Epps.


Kind regards




Advisor | Office of the Chief Executive | Earthquake Commission (EQC)  |
Komihana Ruwhenua |

[2] Toll Free 0800 326 243 | Facsimile  04 978 6431 | PO
Box 790 Wellington 6140 |


[3]EQC email banner



This email message (along with any attachments) is intended only for the
addressee(s) named above.  The information contained in this email is
confidential to the New Zealand Earthquake Commission (EQC) and must not
be used, reproduced or passed on without consent.  If you have received
this email in error, informing EQC by return email or by calling (04)978
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Please delete this email if you are not the intended addressee.


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Things to do with this request

Toka Tū Ake – Natural Hazards Commission only: