Pharmacies and addresses in New Zealand

John Gibson made this Official Information request to Minister of Health

Minister of Health did not have the information requested.

From: John Gibson

Dear Minister of Health,
Could you please send me an Excel file with list of all the pharmacies and their addresses in New Zealand?

Yours faithfully,
John Gibson
[email address]

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From: Melissa Buckle

Dear Mr Gibson

On behalf of Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman, Minister of Health, thank you for your email received 6 August 2017 requesting under the Official Information Act 1982:

an Excel file with list of all the pharmacies and their addresses in New Zealand

The information requested appears to be more closely associated with the functions and responsibilities of the Ministry of Health. Accordingly, I am transferring your request to the Director-General of Health and Chief Executive of the Ministry of Health, Chai Chuah, under section 14 (b) (ii) of the Official Information Act 1982.

Melissa Buckle
Private Secretary – Health
Office of the Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman
Minister of Health, Minister for Sport and Recreation

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From: John Gibson

Dear Melissa Buckle,
Hi all good and did receive the information

Yours sincerely,

John Gibson

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From: Melissa Buckle

I no longer work in the Office of the Minister of Health. Please direct
your queries to [email address]


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Things to do with this request

Minister of Health only: