OPCAT Monitoring places of detention report 2015 - 2016

Health Sector Workers Network made this Official Information request to Counties Manukau District Health Board

The request was successful.

From: Health Sector Workers Network

Dear Counties Manukau District Health Board,

In the 2015 - 2016 OPCAT Monitoring Places of Detention report there were
a number of recommendation made to mental health inpatient units in the
Auckland region.

The Office of the Ombudsman's report within the OPCAT document states 14 recomendations were made to Taiho Mai inpatient unit.

Could you please provide us with the details of those 14 recommendations?

Yours faithfully,

Health Sector Workers Network

Link to this

From: Angela Harper (CMDHB)
Counties Manukau District Health Board

Attachment image001.png
13K Download

Attachment OIA 11102017 HSWN OPCAT monitoring 15 16 RESPONSE.pdf
121K Download View as HTML

Dear Health Sector Workers Network,


Please find attached our response to your OIA request below.


Kind regards.




Angela Harper

(Temporary) EA to Dr Gloria Johnson, Acting Chief Executive

T: +64 9 277 3401 ext 3401

[1][email address]

Middlemore Hospital I 100 Hospital Road, Otahuhu I Private Bag 93311
Otahuhu, Auckland 1640

[2]countiesmanukau.health.nz  I COUNTIES MANUKAU DISTRICT HEALTH BOARD


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-----Original Message-----

From: Health Sector Workers Network
[[4]mailto:[FOI #6681 email]]

Sent: Wednesday, 11 October 2017 9:25 a.m.

To: Communications (CMDHB)

Subject: Official Information request - OPCAT Monitoring places of
detention report 2015 - 2016


Dear Counties Manukau District Health Board,


In the 2015 - 2016 OPCAT Monitoring Places of Detention report there were
a number of recommendation made to mental health inpatient units in the
Auckland region.


The Office of the Ombudsman's report within the OPCAT document states 14
recomendations were made to Taiho Mai inpatient unit.


Could you please provide us with the details of those 14 recommendations?


Yours faithfully,


Health Sector Workers Network




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