ACC's contract confirming ACC delegated it's review functions and powers under the Accident Compensation Act 2001 to FairWay Resolution Limited
David Lawson made this Official Information request to Accident Compensation Corporation
Response to this request is long overdue. By law Accident Compensation Corporation should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.
From: David Lawson
Dear Accident Compensation Corporation,
This is an Official Information Act request for which I welcome the provision of full copies of the official information requested as specified in Request 1 and Request 2 below.
I quote S74(2)(b) of the Crown Entities Act 2004 ; “a delegate who purports to perform a function or exercise a power under a delegation --- must produce evidence of his or her authority to do so, if reasonably requested to do so”.
The ACC has purportedly delegated its review functions and powers under the AC Act to Fairway Resolution Limited.
Request 1
I request that you provide me with evidence of ACC's authority delegating its review functions and powers to Fairway Resolution Limited (provided in Part 5 of the AC Act, and particularly in terms of the provisions of Sections 136, 137 and 139 of the AC Act) up until it's sale to it's employees in July 2017.
Request 2
I request that you provide me with evidence of ACC's authority delegating its review functions and powers to Fairway Resolution Limited (provided in Part 5 of the AC Act, and particularly in terms of the provisions of Sections 136, 137 and 139 of the AC Act) for FairWay Resolution Limited from the period FairWay Resolution Limited was sold to their employees in July 2017 through to present.
Under s16(2) of the Official Information Act, my preferred way of receiving a response is by email to the address from which ACC received the original request, not by post.
Yours faithfully,
David Lawson
From: Government Services
Accident Compensation Corporation
Dear Mr Lawson
Official Information Act Request
Thank you for your request of 1 May 2018 in which you asked ACC to provide
under the Official Information Act 1982:
Request 1
I request that you provide me with evidence of ACC's authority delegating
its review functions and powers to Fairway Resolution Limited (provided in
Part 5 of the AC Act, and particularly in terms of the provisions of
Sections 136, 137 and 139 of the AC Act) up until it's sale to it's
employees in July 2017.
Request 2
I request that you provide me with evidence of ACC's authority delegating
its review functions and powers to Fairway Resolution Limited (provided in
Part 5 of the AC Act, and particularly in terms of the provisions of
Sections 136, 137 and 139 of the AC Act) for FairWay Resolution Limited
from the period FairWay Resolution Limited was sold to their employees in
July 2017 through to present.
ACC is working on your request and will be in touch with you as soon as
possible, and certainly by 29 May 2018.
Kind regards,
Government Engagement and Support
"This message and any attachments may contain confidential and privileged
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recipient, you are not authorised to use or copy this message or any
attachments or disclose the contents to any other person."
From: Government Services
Accident Compensation Corporation
Dear Mr Lawson
Please find attached our response to your 1 May 2018 information request.
Government Engagement and Support
"This message and any attachments may contain confidential and privileged
information. If you believe you have received this email in error, please
advise us immediately by return email or telephone and then delete this
email together with all attachments. If you are not the intended
recipient, you are not authorised to use or copy this message or any
attachments or disclose the contents to any other person."
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence