Information relating to investigation 180302/8770
Tim Martin made this Official Information request to New Zealand Police
Response to this request is long overdue. By law New Zealand Police should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.
From: Tim Martin
Dear New Zealand Police,
please provide all information relating to the investigation of:
Burgles (other Property) (over $5000 by night
Unlawful takes motor vehicles
Location: 36 Hamilton drive Waiuku, Auckland 2123
Date: 2/03/2018 at 1015pm
reference number 180302/8770
Yours faithfully,
Tim Martin
New Zealand Police
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Thank you for your email.
Your OIA request has been received and forwarded to Counties Manukau
District Police for review and action.
Please email us again at [1][New Zealand Police request email] if we can help you
any further.
New Zealand Police
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The information contained in this email message is intended for the
addressee only and may contain privileged information. It may also be
subject to the provisions of section 50 of the Policing Act 2008, which
creates an offence to have unlawful possession of Police property. If you
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Also note, the views expressed in this message may not necessarily reflect
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error, please email or telephone the sender immediately
Visible links
1. mailto:[New Zealand Police request email]
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence