Soil and Water Samples unable to detoxify 1080

Claire Ogilwy made this Official Information request to Landcare Research New Zealand Limited

The request was successful.

From: Claire Ogilwy

Dear Landcare Research New Zealand Limited,

Can you please provide a copy of Contract Report No. LC9495/11, Prepared for Auckland Regional Council.
Lloyd-Jones, G, Aislabie, J, Hunter, DWF, Biodegradation of monofluoroacetate (1080).

The study is referenced by ERMA 2007 - Appendix C: Ecotoxicity and Environmental Fate of 1080.

5 of the 8 soil samples did not have the capacity to defluorinate 1080
6 of the 8 water samples did not have the capacity to defluorinate 1080

Yours faithfully,

Claire Ogilwy

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Landcare Research New Zealand Limited

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Dear Claire,


Your request has been forwarded to our library for attention.


Kind regards,


Karen Scott



Karen Scott
Social media and community engagement
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research
T +64 3 321 9799 | M +64 274 142 474
[2]Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research




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