Tim Rowlands
Joined FYI in 2017
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This person's 8 Official Information requests
Payment's Received by ANZ
Response by Radio New Zealand Limited to Tim Rowlands on .
Awaiting classification.
Good morning Tim
RNZ acknowledges receipt of your OIA request. Under the Official Information Act 1982 we have 20 working days to respond and will con...
Number of Times Non-Lethal Weapons Have Been Authorised for Carry Outside of a Prison
Response by Department of Corrections to Tim Rowlands on .
Kia ora Tim,
Please see the attached correspondence from Corrections.
Ngā mihi o te wā,
Ministerial Services
Department of Correct...
Auckland "secret cameras" Mobile Detection
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Tim Rowlands on .
Kia ora Tim
Please find attached the follow up response to your request of 16 August
2022 for information under the Official Information Act 198...
Cost of recruitment advertising campaign
Response by Department of Corrections to Tim Rowlands on .
Kia ora Tim
Please see the attached correspondence from Corrections - Ara Poutama
Ngā mihi | Kind regards,
Ministerial Se...
Draft Christchurch Transport Plan
Response by Christchurch City Council to Tim Rowlands on .
Good morning Tim,
I am sorry to hear you have not received a reply to your request.
I have had a look and, unfortunately, we have no record of your r...
Facial or human recognition electroninc surveillance use
Response by Christchurch City Council to Tim Rowlands on .
Good morning Mr Rowlands,
Thank you for your email of January 31 2020, asking for information under
the Local Government Official Information an...
MSSA Measuring
I have received the information requested, however I am still pursuing a complaint to the ombudsman regarding the lack of initial response.
Total amount of income from road user charges by year
Response by Ministry of Transport to Tim Rowlands on .
Good afternoon Tim
Please see the attached response for your OIA request on 22 June 2017.
Kind regards
OCU Team
Official Correspondence Coordinator...
This person's 3 annotations
Auckland "secret cameras" Mobile Detection
Currently have a complaint with the ombudsman's office regarding a similar request which was declined. I have forwarded this to the investigating offic...
Location of cameras in Auckland technology trial
Request denied by NZTA under under section 6(c). I have filed a complaint with the Ombudsman in relation to this matter.
MSSA Measuring
I have received the information requested, however I am still pursuing a complaint to the ombudsman regarding the lack of initial response.