Inland Revenue Department

A ministry, also called IRD

262 requests
Song playlist
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Patricia Nagaretnam on .
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Good afternoon   On behalf of Anton Hall-Brownie, Group Lead - Centralised Operations, Capability & Outcomes, p...
Selling personal information
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Jared on .
Partially successful.
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Good afternoon Jared   Please find attached Inland Revenue’s response to Part...
What is the number of MPs owning LTCs
Response by Inland Revenue Department to s devoy on .
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL]   Good afternoon,   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.   Kind regar...
Student Loan arrests
Response by Inland Revenue Department to robert mckenzie on .
Dear Robert   Please find attached the reply to your correspondence of 13 January 2020.   Kind regards   Ministerial Services PNHQ ====...
GST on rates
Response by Inland Revenue Department to clampett trust on .
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Kia ora Clampett Trust,   Please find attached Inland Revenue’s response to y...
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Kia ora H Patel Please see attached Inland Revenue’s response to your request m...
OIA PA requests
Response by Inland Revenue Department to K Lambert on .
Partially successful.
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Good afternoon   Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request sent on behalf of K...
Audits for under 18s
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Noah Fitzgerald on .
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Dear Noah Fitzgerald   Thank you for your request for information under the O...
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Tçnâ koe Kitty,   Please find attached Inland Revenue’s response to your 9 Se...
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Tçnâ koe Timothy Goddard,   Please find attached Inland Revenue’s response to...
Bickford, I noted that. A cynical person would wonder if this PIA was done after the fact,
Taxation Principles Reporting Act
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Rohan Lloyd on .
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Tçnâ koe Rohan Lloyd,   Please find attached Inland Revenue’s response to you...
GST paid as proportion of income
Response by Inland Revenue Department to David Farrar on .
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Dear David,   Please find attached Inland Revenue’s response to your OIA requ...
KiwiSaver identity theft protections
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Cody C on .
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Kia ora Cody C,   Please find attached Inland Revenue’s response to your Offi...
As usual an excellent response from IRD.
Is it compulsory to have a tax file number
Request to Inland Revenue Department by John Armstrong. Annotated by Deane Landreth on .
Partially successful.
It's interesting the the response does not directly address the request. What is stated is: "For this purpose, a person is required by the Inland Rev...
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Kia ora David Please see attached Inland Revenue’s response to your Official In...
Response by Inland Revenue Department to tina marie kahurangi on .
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Dear Tina Marie Kahurangi   Thank you for your questions, in response to our...
Draft Commissioner
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Greg Presland on .
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Dear Greg Presland   Please see attached Inland Revenue’s response to your OI...
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Kia ora Paul Zhao   Thank you for your request for information under the Offi...
Legally define personal income
Response by Inland Revenue Department to John Armstrong on .
Partially successful.
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Dear John Armstrong Please find attached a response to your first Official Info...
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Tçnâ koe Matthew,   Please find attached Inland Revenue’s response to your 2...
HomeStart Grants
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Tait Dench on .
Dear Tait Dench   Please find attached a response from Alex Travis, Acting Manager, Government Relations, to your email dated 4 December 2019....
Cost of PG
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Jean Roberts on .
Partially successful.
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Kia ora Jean   Please find attached a response to your OIA request received o...
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Dear Mr Martins   Please find attached a response from Mr Tony Donoghue, Team...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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