
A public authority

220 requests
Concept Design for Rail Ro-Ro Passenger Ferry (2011)
Response by KiwiRail to T.J. Pohl on .
Information not held.
Good afternoon I am responding to your OIA request as per the below. Unfortunately, we are declining your request under Section 18(e) - does not exis...
Costs of Govt decision to cancel iReX
Response by KiwiRail to Miss W. Forest on .
Good afternoon Miss Forest   You have requested under the OIA: Provide the total actual cost and / or estimated cost of the cancellation of iReX p...
Cost of Breaking contract with Hyundai Mipo Dockyard
Request to KiwiRail by C Morton. Annotated by Isaac Morrison on .
I recon you chase them up about breaking contract because to me from the tone of the government that it has been broken, from how it sounds from kiwira...
26404705 2022/663 Privileged Access Management
Response by KiwiRail to A Williams on .
Good morning   Please find our response below.   Response:   Please be advised we are declining your request for all responses to the tend...
Interislander using google suit (google docs, sheets ect)
Response by KiwiRail to Luna on .
Information not held.
Apologies, I had your request noted as being due on 6 August 2024. I have enquired as to your request and am advised that KiwiRail uses the Microsoft...
Good evening Thank you for your request asking for - a list of all the P1 and P2 applications the interislander ferries use. Including the ones used b...
Titanic references
Response by KiwiRail to Tony on .
Information not held.
Good afternoon Tony   Thanks for your enquiry.   I can advise that under Section 18(e) we are declining your request, as no such reports or re...
Wellington Railway Station New World/Trax
Response by KiwiRail to Mike Campbell on .
Good afternoon Mike Thank you for your request under the OIA asking for information on the shops in the Wellington Railway Station as noted below. Pl...
Signal Failures on 22 Feb 2024
Response by KiwiRail to George Dewar on .
Good afternoon George   Thank you for your request asking for - Please provide the final incident report for the signal failure event on 22 Feb 20...
Non-refundable costs paid to HMD
Response by KiwiRail to Michael Steere on .
Good morning Michael   Thank you for your enquiry, asking for information on:   1. Please inform me how much money has already been paid to Hyu...
Good morning Please find the attached. Kind regards Dave Dave Allard  | Senior Government Relations Advisor DDI: 027 201 8182 Level 4, Wellington R...
Good afternoon Regan, and thank you for your enquiry. We are declining your request in full under sections 9(2)(b)(ii) and 9(2)(i) – Commercial inform...
Did you get a response from AT?
Cattle grazing on Kiwirail land
Response by KiwiRail to Harrison on .
Good afternoon   On 22 December 2020, you asked under the OIA;   Could I please request the following 1 - a list of locations owned by Kiwira...
Good afternoon   Please find attached our response to your request.   Kind regards   Dave   Dave Allard  | Government Relations Advisor...
Picton Port Gas Leaks
Response by KiwiRail to Brent Yardley on .
Good afternoon   Please find attached our response to your OIA request. Any questions, please let me know.   Cheers   Dave   Dave All...
Good afternoon   Please find attached the response to your recent OIA. Any questions, please feel free to get in touch.   Kind regards  ...
Bunker delivery notes for Interislander ferries
Response by KiwiRail to Brent Yardley on .
Good morning please find attached the response to your request.   Kind regards   Dave   Dave Allard  | Government Relations Advisor Level...
NIMT EF Replacement Options Advice
Response by KiwiRail to Harriet Gale on .
Good afternoon Harriet We refer to your email dated 7 June 2017. In regards to your first question, the reasons given for not releasing are as set...
KiwiRail GeVIS Access
Response by KiwiRail to Cody C on .
Good morning Cody We acknowledge your below email and we will assist the Ombudsman's office if they wish to investigate the matter. Regards, Official...
30-year indicative Rail Development Plan
Response by KiwiRail to Harriet Gale on .
Good morning Harriet Please accept our apologises for the delay in responding to your email. Thank you for your response, we have noted your comments...
Rail Operating Code
Response by KiwiRail to A. Wong on .
Information not held.
Dear Mr Wong   We have been trying unsuccessfully to contact you at the email address provided when you sent your request to us.  As this is the cas...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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