Napier City Council
A public authority
30 requests
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- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Number of consents issued since Tonkin & Taylor Report received
Response by Napier City Council to Jarrod on .
Awaiting classification.
Good afternoon, Karen
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act request
1. Further to your request for information...
On Road Fire Hydrant Testing
Response by Napier City Council to David J Bosley ( Snr) on .
Awaiting classification.
Good afternoon, Mr Bosley
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act request – On-road
Fire Hydrant Testing
1. We are writi...
Fact check: staff surveys
Response by Napier City Council to Kara Grace on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Kara
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act request – Fact
check: staff surveys
1. We are writing further to y...
Dear Kara
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act request – Water
meters – Response
1. Further to your request for info...
Dear Chris and Carl
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act request – Mains
cleaning – Response
1. Further to your requ...
Dear Mr Lee
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act request – Living
wage for staff – Response
1. Further to your reque...
CCTV Footage - Intersection of Murphy Road and Guppy Road Napier 19/10/2021 between 2.50-3.10 pm
Response by Napier City Council to Yasmin Scott on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Yasmin
Please find attached the response to your request of 20 October 2021 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.
How is the Council using its rights under the Public Health Act to inspect rental housing properties?
Request sent to Napier City Council by Aaron Packard on .
Long overdue.
Last month, the Wellington City Council tabled a report* looking into the powers that the council has to inspect and report on unsanitary or unhealt...
Breakdown of costs associated with the business case for 'Project Shapeshifter'.
Response by Napier City Council to Ella Frimley on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Ella
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act request – Project
Shapeshifter business case – Response
1. Further to...
Parking vehicles on road for sale
Response by Napier City Council to Pankaj Girhotra on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Pankaj,
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act request – Parked
vehicles for sale - Response
1. Further to your r...
Hotel / Library considerations
Follow up sent to Napier City Council by Grace Haden on .
Long overdue.
this LGOIMA is overdue please respond
Yours faithfully,
Grace Haden
Information relating to the establishment of the container cafe on the fore shore
Follow up sent to Napier City Council by Grace Haden on .
Long overdue.
could you please attend to this LGOIMA request
Yours faithfully,
Grace Haden
Mayor and Councillor attendance this term
Follow up sent to Napier City Council by aimee w on .
Long overdue.
I was wondering how you're progressing with my request? It's now somewhat over the 20 working days timeframe.
Yours faithfully,
aimee w
Number of Council staff earning less than $18.40 an hour
Follow up sent to Napier City Council by Alex Harris on .
Long overdue.
That's fine.
Yours sincerely,
Alex Harris
Thank you for your email.
To clarify:
If you could provide FTEs that would be appreciated.
As i'm a student and not backed by any media agency o...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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