There is more than one person who uses this site and has this name. One of them is shown below, you may mean a different one: Susan Susan Susan
This person's 2 Official Information requests
Date, location and purpose of deployment of HAARP research buoy from RV Tangaroa
Request to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited by Susan. Annotated by SPENCER JONES on .
Partially successful.
Further Tangaroa deployed buoys
Response by National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited to Susan on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Susan,
Thank you for your request. See our response below.
1: Has Tanagroa ever deployed a large metal buoy in the Tasman or its northern edg...
This person's 18 annotations
Use of HAARP in NZ
Partially successful.
Steve Snoopman Edwards summarises evidence on this topic in relation to recent NZ events here:
Use of HAARP in NZ
Partially successful.
RS Grant rolls out the tired old "conspiracy theory" phrase to dismiss this inquiry. But it is a verifiable fact that HAARP installations exist -- ori...
Use of HAARP in NZ
Partially successful.
Good question, Anna. How about The Office of the Prime Minister?
Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather
Request to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited by Chris McCashin. Annotated by Susan on .
Re Paris Climate Accord and weather modification, see the "Climate Engineering under the Paris Agreement: A Legal and Policy Primer" here
Use of HAARP in NZ
Partially successful.
AND now, finally, we come to the nub of the whole issue. Yet more thanks to Spencer Jones for posting undeniable evidence that militaries all over th...
Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather
Request to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited by Chris McCashin. Annotated by Susan on .
Thanks Barbara. Given the lack of any clear description of what actually IS being investigated by the project described here
Use of HAARP in NZ
Partially successful.
Spencer Jones (to whom many thanks are due for going to the trouble of looking up these patents) asks "why is it so hard for people to believe this or...
Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather
Request to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited by Chris McCashin. Annotated by Susan on .
This annotation is posted to help the Ombudsman deal with Chris McCashin's complaint about NIWA's refusal to tell us anything about their involvement i...
Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather
Request to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited by Chris McCashin. Annotated by Susan on .
"To ensure compliance with legal requirements and to maintain cyber security standards, NIWA's IT systems are subject to ongoing monitoring, activity l...
A scientific paper using the information revealed by this OIA request is available here:
Silent Weapons for Quiet (invisible) Wars
Request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by Melanie Lorraine Petrowski. Annotated by Susan on .
This request was refused on the grounds that the information requested does not exist.
I don't know whether this refusal is legal or not. If it isn'...
Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather
Request to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited by Chris McCashin. Annotated by Susan on .
Suggest people interested in this topic follow
Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather
Request to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited by Chris McCashin. Annotated by Susan on .
No ranty politics? Surely that includes the knee-jerk, evidence-free dismissal as "conspiracy theory" of any information that doesn't fit the poster's...
Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather
Request to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited by Chris McCashin. Annotated by Susan on .
Is it illegal to lie in response to an Official Information Act request?
The paper previously available at is now available here
Apparently it...
Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather
Request to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited by Chris McCashin. Annotated by Susan on .
The answer to FYI's question about status of this request is "none of the above". NIWA did reply to the request. First they said "NIWA does not hold a...
Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather
Request to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited by Chris McCashin. Annotated by Susan on .
As pointed out today by Rowan, in an annotation to a separate OIA request, by a separate person, to a different NZ institution, HAARP researchers from...
Use of HAARP in NZ
Partially successful.
The response to this request from the Ministry of Defence is as opaque as the scrawled signature of the individual who provides it. The Ministry of De...