Tama Potaka

A minister of the Crown or a Parliamentary Under-Secretary

Portfolios and other responsibilities:

  • Minister of Conservation;
  • Minister for Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti;
  • Minister for Māori Development;
  • Minister for Whānau Ora;
  • Associate Minister of Housing (Social Housing).

This person has multiple portfolios. When making a request, we recommend noting which portfolios your request is about.

5 requests
Thank you for your reply, just to confirm there is no publically available link to the data that officials are monitoring regarding any increase in...
Communications on Stefan Sunde & EY
Response by Tama Potaka to John Luke on .
Information not held.
Kia ora John, On behalf of Hon Tama Potaka, thank you for your email in which you submitted an Official Information Act request as follows: "All corr...
Advice provided by DoC
Response by Tama Potaka to Dan Moskovitz on .
Awaiting response.
Kia ora Dan, Thank you for your email in which you submitted an Official Information Act request as follows: "I request two documents provided to you...
Retirement Villages
Response by Tama Potaka to P Robins on .
Awaiting response.
Tēnā Koe, Thank you for your email in which you submitted an Official Information Act request as follows: "I request all briefings specifically relat...
Briefings request
Response by Tama Potaka to P Robins on .
Awaiting response.
Kia ora, Thank you for your email in which you submitted an Official Information Act request as follows: "I request a list of any written advice you...

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