University of Auckland

A public authority

791 requests
Total number of STEM graduates in 2021
Response by University of Auckland to Mike on .
Dear Mike, I refer to your request of 20 April 2023. Information about graduations is publicly available on the University’s website at [1]https://...
Dear Surya,   I refer to your request of 9 February 2022.   "can you provide all scientific documents (reports, preliminary reports, numerical...
IT support OIA
Response by University of Auckland to Michael Ward on .
Dear Michael,   We have interpreted your response to our request for clarification, to confirm that you are specifically interested in IT tickets...
Rec Centre Cost
Response by University of Auckland to Jonty Rush on .
Dear Jonty,   I refer to your request of 13 November 2024.   We apologise for the delay in providing a response. The University’s response follows...
Hotline hold music playlist
Response by University of Auckland to J Tims on .
Dear J Tims,   I refer to your request of 22 July 2021. The University uses two telephony platforms: Cisco United Communications Manager and Micro...
Vending Machine On-Campus Operations
Response by University of Auckland to Yourong Frank Wang on .
Dear Mr Wang,   I refer to your request of 4 August 2021. The University’s response follows.   “* A contract of the vending company's operatio...
Dear Mr Juillard,   I refer to your official information request dated 25 June 2021. The open letter referred to in the TVNZ article is publicly a...
Grade Brooke Van Velden
Response by University of Auckland to E Zhao on .
Dear E Zhao,   Your request is refused under section 9(2)(a) of the Official Information Act 1982 to protect the privacy of Ms Van Velden. You hav...
Dear Shane,   I refer to your request of 21 December 2023. The University’s response follows:   “I request all information regarding any consu...
Recreation & Wellness Centre Costs
Response by University of Auckland to K Jack on .
Dear K Jack, I refer to your request of 16 October 2024. We apologise for the delay in providing a response. The University’s response follows. “The...
Graduating law gpa
Response by University of Auckland to George on .
Dear George,   I refer to your request of 4 November 2022. The University does not hold the custom statistics requested, and the Official Informat...
Law Graduates' GPAs 2020-2024
Response by University of Auckland to Amanda Cohen on .
Dear Amanda,   I refer to your request of 18 July 2024. The University’s response follows.   “1) Can you please provide the LLB GPAs of the top gr...
Law graduating grades
Response by University of Auckland to Timmy on .
Dear Timmy,   I refer to your email of 3 November 2022. Under section 12(2) of the Official Information Act, requests for official information mus...
Registered psychologists applying for clinical psychology
Response by University of Auckland to H. G. on .
Information not held.
Dear H.G., I refer to your email of 26 November 2024. The University’s response follows.  - the number of registered psychologists who have applie...
NZLR Prize 2021-2023
Response by University of Auckland to W Donald on .
Dear W Donald,   I refer to your request of 28 March 2023. The New Zealand Law Review Prize regulations stipulate that three Prizes are awarded an...
Correspondence with Apple Inc.
Response by University of Auckland to Cooper O'Neil on .
Dear Cooper,   I refer to your email of 26 August 2024 and your request of 23 September 2024. The University's response follows.   "All email...
MBChb entrance information 2025
Response by University of Auckland to Kiratpreet Kaur on .
Information not held.
Dear Kiratpreet,   I refer to your request of 25 April 2024. The information requested about 2025 admissions does not exist yet. This constitutes...
Dear requester,   A decision to create statistics in response to an OIA request on one occasion does not require the University to create the same o...
undergraduate GPA admission to MbChb
Response by University of Auckland to James Ng on .
Information not held.
Dear James, I refer to your request of 19 June 2024. The University's response follows. "1. the mean core GPA for those applying to MbChB" The mean c...
mean GPA of successful UTAS applicants
Response by University of Auckland to MMS on .
Dear requester, I refer to your request of 13 June 2024 under the Official Information Act 1982 ("OIA"). The University has previously provided statis...
Senior Scholar in Law median and lowest GPA
Response by University of Auckland to MR on .
Dear MR,   I refer to your request of 6 January 2023. The University does not hold the custom statistics requested, and the Official Information A...
MBChb entry information 2024
Response by University of Auckland to Neeraj Yarlagadda on .
Information not held.
Dear Neeraj,   I refer to your request of 12 December 2023. The University’s response follows.   “Please provide the following information reg...
MBChB seats commencing 2025
Response by University of Auckland to Kanwaldeep Singh on .
Information not held.
Dear Kanwal,   I refer to your request of 31 March 2024, in which you requested “any updates” regarding whether another 50 places would be added t...
All Hotlines Hold Music
Response by University of Auckland to Joseph on .
Information not held.
Dear requester,   I refer to your requests for information of 10 and 11 March 2024. The University’s response follows:   “I would like to requ...
Hotline Hold Music
Response by University of Auckland to Joseph on .
Information not held.
Dear requester,   I refer to your requests for information of 10 and 11 March 2024. The University’s response follows:   “I would like to requ...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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