Waimakariri District Council

A public authority

17 requests
Camping ground licences
Response by Waimakariri District Council to Tim Carter on .
Good Day You requested a list of all camping grounds for which the Council issued a Camping Ground Licence in the past three years under the Camping...
Oxford Rural Water 1 - Network Maps
Response by Waimakariri District Council to Harwood Wilson on .
Good Day   You requested copies of maps of Oxford Rural No.1 Water Supply One.   We supply this information in the attached documents and trust...
Loans under the LGFA Shareholder Agreement
Response by Waimakariri District Council to Andrew Mitchell on .
Partially successful.
Good Day   You requested additional information about the Waimakariri District Council's loans with the New Zealand Local Government Funding Agenc...
Southern Super-City Plans
Response by Waimakariri District Council to Andrew Mitchell on .
  Good Day   You requested information about the Southern Super-City between the Christchurch City Council and neighbouring districts.   We...
Ratepayers money wasted
Response by Waimakariri District Council to Peter Gill on .
Awaiting classification.
Good Day   You requested information regarding your ratepayer money being used to pay the account for workplace bullying.   We supply this inf...
Cyclelanes and Cycle paths master GIS data
Follow up sent to Waimakariri District Council by Cody C on .
Information not held.
That’s okay and thank you for sending this through. It was very helpful. I have incorporated some of this data as best I could in OpenStreetMap, tho...
Drinking water safety plan
Response by Waimakariri District Council to Cody C on .
Good Day   Please find attached the Waimakariri District Council’s response to your official request for a copy of the Council’s most recent Drink...
Good Day   Please find attached the Council’s response to your request for official information regarding the safety assessments for the railway c...
Good Day   Please find attached the Council’s response to your request for official information on how the Council is using its rights under the P...
Residential Subdivisions
Response by Waimakariri District Council to Dan on .
Long overdue.
Dear Dan   We are in receipt of your official info request for information related to Residential Subdivisions. We will be back in touch (within...
Dear Mr Hill   Please find attached information requested related to the Council procurement policy.   Kind regards   Sarah Nichols | Gover...
You asked the following question.   Dear Waimakariri District Council, Is it legal to use Electric self balancing scootors, and electric skatebo...
Library wage levels
Response by Waimakariri District Council to R Leveson on .
Dear R Leveson   We attach our response to your request related to library wage levels.   Kind regards   Sarah Nichols | Governance Manager...
You are required by LAW under all circumstances to have replied to my request for all incoming correspondence for resource consent RC165282 , this i...
By law , the authority should normally have responded promptly and by April 7th 2017 Yours faithfully, David King
Response by Waimakariri District Council to Sam Fraser on .
Partially successful.
<<LGOIMA Amalgamation Samuel Fraser.pdf>> Regards Kevin Lamb Administration Manager DDI 033118943 Waimakariri District Council [1]Picture (...
Hi Alex The Waimakariri District Council does not open it’s meetings with a Prayer. Regards Kevin Lamb Administration Manager 03 311 8900...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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