WorkSafe New Zealand
A public authority
79 requests
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- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Hello again D. Reddington,
Thank you for your email response regarding your request for information.
WorkSafe receives hundreds of notifications and r...
Number of fines for unvaccinated health workers and designations of officers
Response by WorkSafe New Zealand to Erika Whittome on .
Kia ora Erika,
Please see attached the Correspondence in relation to your Official
Information Act request.
Ministerial Services ...
Auckland Council - Glenfield Pools - Serious Harm Incident 23 June 2020
Response by WorkSafe New Zealand to Scott on .
Long overdue.
Tēnā koe Scott
Thank you for your Official Information Act request received by WorkSafe
New Zealand on 7 November 2024
WorkSafe New Zealan...
Kia ora Toni
Please see attached the response to your Official Information Act
Ministerial Services
8 Willis Street
In regards Worksafe interactions with the Ministry of Health
Response by WorkSafe New Zealand to Andrew F on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Andrew,
Please see attached the response to your Official Information Act request.
Ministerial Services
8 Willis Street
Jayden Chhayrann - publication of Enforceable Undertaking at Melville High School's website
Response by WorkSafe New Zealand to M.R.M. on .
Long overdue.
Tēnā koe M.R.M.
Please find attached correspondence from Mahi Haumaru Aotearoa | WorkSafe
New Zealand.
Ngā mihi
OIA & Complai...
39 Bush Road- Waiatarua- Auckland 0604
Request sent to WorkSafe New Zealand by George Miller on .
Reported for administrator attention.
I require any information you may have regards property street address at 39 Bush Road, Waiatarua, Auckland 0604, in the past 3 years , corresponde...
Covid Compliance
Response by WorkSafe New Zealand to Chuck Schooner (Account suspended) on .
Awaiting classification.
Tçnâ koe Mr Schooner,
Please find attached WorkSafe New Zealand’s response to your request for
Please contact [1][email a...
Accommodation provider training and policies during Covid-19
Request sent to WorkSafe New Zealand by Shanna Reeder on .
Long overdue.
Our union represents workers at most of the hotels commissioned by the New Zealand Government to provide self-isolation and quarantine accommodation...
Test Certificate For Pyrotechnic Display
Response by WorkSafe New Zealand to Brett on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Brett
Please find attached correspondence from WorkSafe New Zealand.
Ngā mihi
Ministerial Services
Strategy and Performance...
Claim of email from Worksafe confirming 1080 exposure - did this happen?
Request sent to WorkSafe New Zealand by Sue Boyde on .
Long overdue.
Could you please review the reported email reply from Worksafe to James Harold (see link attached). Could you please let us know whether this email...
Seeking to read and review the full report File Ref: 19/00049.
Response by WorkSafe New Zealand to claire cornwell on .
Long overdue.
Thank you for contacting WorkSafe New Zealand. This email is to confirm
that we have received your correspondence.
If your correspondence relates to...
Regulatory control around employees in the agricultural industry
Response by WorkSafe New Zealand to S.J.Gwynne on .
Awaiting classification.
Thank you for contacting WorkSafe New Zealand. This email is to confirm
that we have received your correspondence.
If your correspondence relates to...
Details pertinent to asbestos disturbance at 19 Wentworth St Gore
Response by WorkSafe New Zealand to Mr Armstrong on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Geoffrey
Please find attached correspondence from WorkSafe New Zealand.
Kind regards | ngā mihi nui
Ministerial Services
Policies on discrimination
Response by WorkSafe New Zealand to Rich Aitken on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Rich Aitken
Thank you for your further email about workplace bullying.
Nicole Rosie, WorkSafe’s Chief Executive, has provided a public...
work-related deaths and serious injuries for each of the NZ regions
Response by WorkSafe New Zealand to CHRIS on .
Awaiting classification.
Hi Chris
You can find out information on work-related deaths and serious injuries
on our website from 2010 -2018. Could we suggest that you have...
Certificate of Examination for Amusement Devices at Rainbow's End
Response by WorkSafe New Zealand to Harrison on .
Handled by post.
Kia ora Harrison
Please find attached a response letter from WorkSafe New Zealand regarding
your OIA request for “certificates of registration f...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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